
2.9K 88 7

Name: Shula Wu-San aka Kitsune
Age: 16
Height: 5'4
Date of birth 12/21/2003
Eye color: Black
Weight: 120lbs
Parents: Lady Shiva and Unknown
Siblings: Cassandra Cain

Training: Master in ninjutsu, Taekwondo, Arnis, Laido, Kendo, Bojutsu, Kyusho Jitsu,  boxing, Kyūdō, Krav Maga, Muay Thai, Vale Tudo, Judo, Capoeira, Kokusho, Savage, Combato, Shippalgi, Kumbo, Aikido, Eskrima, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, Sambo, kendo, Capoeria, Line, swordmaster, marksman, espionage, bomb-making, and parkour

Abilities: can mimic voices and sounds, enhanced speed, enhanced strength, enhanced agility, enhanced Hearing, enhanced sight, advanced intelligence, and enhanced reflexes.
Languages: Russian, Spanish, Arabic, English, Xhosa, Greek, Latin, French, Italian, German, Mandarin, Japanese, Cantonese, Hebrew, Ancient Greek, ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics, Bengali, Indonesian, Portuguese, Hindi, Turkish, and Swahili
Trainers: Lady Shiva, David Cain, Talia Al Ghul, Ra Al Ghul, Slade Wilson, and classified.

Damian's pov

I ran towards Shula as blood pooled around her. I tried to pull off the collar to help her heal. When there was a loud crash. Wilson rushed towards us and dropped to his knees. My father ran towards us as well to see if he could help. "I have called for the batmobile." He said. Suddenly the sound of gurgling sounded through the empty room. Slade ripped off her mask and face-covering exposing a stream of blood, pooled around her mouth. Her eyes were full of tears. I picked up her head and cradled it in my lap. "Oh God Kitsune, I am so so sorry," I whispered as I stared down at her. "Batman, Robin, I need your capes. So I can slow down the bleeding." Wilson barked urgently. I nodded my head and tore off my cape as father took off his. Wilson took the capes and looked up at Shula. "I am so sorry kid." Wilson apologized. Shula's eyes were held tight as she released whimpers of pain. "Batman hold her arms  down," Wilson commanded as he gently slid the capes beneath her.  She screamed out in pain at the movement. "I am so sorry princess." Wilson proclaimed as silent tears streamed down his cheeks. Wilson quickly wrapped the capes around her torso. Her skin was deathly pale and there was a thin river of blood that flowed down from her mouth. "We need to get her to the cave for medical treatment," Batman announced. "I am not leaving my apprentice," Wilson growled protectively. "I never said you were." Batman deflected. Wilson nodded his head and picked up Shula, who cried out. "Shush it's okay." Wilson hushed. Shula leaned into Wilson's chest as she whimpered. We ran towards the Batmobile and jumped into the back seat. My father began speeding down the road towards the cave entrance. She whimpered every time we turned or hit a bump. "I am sorry Shula, but please hold on." I pleaded. I held Shula's hand as we drove quickly. We turned down the last turn when Shula became silent. "Shula?" I questioned to receive no reply. "Dammit, kid hold on please," Wilson begged with tears. We pulled into the cave with a sense of urgency and despair. I saw Cassandra look at the Batmobile as we prepared to get Shula out. She had her arms crossed and I watched as she snickered at Jason. Father launched out of the vehicle and shouted for Alfred. "Alfred I need medical immediately!" He shouted. Wilson and I climbed out of the Batmobile with Shula in his arms. Cassandra's expression dropped once she saw Shula. I heard a nearly inaudible whisper. "Shula." She gasped out. Wilson ran towards the medical table where Alfred stood waiting. Wilson quickly untied the blood-drenched capes to expose the gore. "Bloody hell." Alfred gasped out as he took in the sight. "I will need some assistance." He added. "I will help. I have plenty of medical experience." Cassandra offered. Alfred nodded her head and she pushed forward. She gasped at the sight and I saw tears begin. Although I couldn't blame her for those emotions for I became a victim to them myself. "I need you to set up the EKG. We need to monitor her heart rate." Alfred announced. I felt Dick hold me back as they hooked Shula up to multiple cords and monitors. "Her body can't keep with the demand of new cells," Alfred said when Shula began breathing the death rattle. "No," I mumbled as the tears began.


Slade stood near the bedside watching his apprentice as he hopped for her life. Damian stood crying as Dick held him back. "Oh, I am going to feel like shit if she-." Jason grumbled when he was interrupted by the stagnant sound of death rang without the cave. "NOOOO!" Damian shouted as he tried to run towards Shula. Jason leaped to hold onto Damian. "NOO PLEASE NOO!" Damian shouted as he crumbled to the floor in an emotional mess. Slade's knees buckled beneath him. The great terminator fell to his knees for the younger. Bruce knelt and held his shoulder and Slade wept. "Clear going again," Cassandra shouted between tears. She slammed the paddles onto his sister's chest again and again. "Try 700!" Alfred ordered. Cassandra nodded her head and slammed the paddles onto her again. Cassandra was about to slam the paddles into her sister until Jason lounged forward. "Cass stop she's alive," Jason shouted causing the weeping women to stop. Jason's words caught everyone's attention to listen to a weak sound of a heartbeat. "We need to stop the blood loss," Alfred said. "Get some blood bags." He added. "No don't do that!" Slade shouted desperately as Cass was about to attach the blood bags to Shula. "Shula has AB negative blood. So if you give her the wrong blood type, she could die." Slade clarified as he stood up. "I have the same type of blood. So you can use it." Slade explained. "Very well." Alfred nodded. Slade grabbed a chair and sat down next to Shula. Cass injected the needle into her sister's arm and then looked up at the great League of Assassins leader. "Are you ready?" She asked softly. "Let's do this." Slade proclaimed determined. Cass injected the needle into his vein. Immediately blood began to flow. The family watched as Alfred worked on the now very pale girl. Soon there were patches and stitches all around her stomach. "Alright thank you Mr. Wilson, but I believe she now has enough blood," Alfred announced. Slade nodded his head as he watched as Cassandra pulled out the needle from Shula and himself. "Now all we can do is wait for her." Alfred nodded.

Time skip brought to you by Princess Katia. All hail the princess
Three days later

Damian and Slade have sat next to Shula for three days. They rarely moved or spoke to each other. They just stare at the beloved sleeping girl. "You love her don't you?" Slade questioned the young boy in front of him. Damian's head nodded slightly before it dropped again. Slade could tell the teen was in distress. So he stood up and dragged his chair over to Damian's seat. He wrapped his arm around the kid he knew since he was a baby. "She is going to be okay," Slade whispered. Damian nodded his head but stayed silent. The Wayne Family stood in the surveillance room watching the scene. "You know it's kinda unsettling to see Deathstroke be so caring," Tim muttered. "He was like this at the league as well. Especially towards Shula and Damian." Cass nodded. The group raised her brow at her. "My mother was never very kind to Shula and one day her punishment went too far and she couldn't stop having seizures. Wilson was furious when he found out, but he couldn't do anything at the moment because he had a very important mission. Then on Damian's birthday, they had the idea of doing something fun. It was fine until they got back. That's when my mother tortured Shula until she nearly died. Wilson gave her his blood again because of two issues. If he gave her his blood, it would give her more strength and we didn't have her blood type on hand." Cassandra babbled. "I never would have thought that Shula went through that," Jason muttered. "What happened after that?" Stephanie inquired. "Well, Wilson had enough of my mother's teachings and took Shula in as his apprentice. So I didn't get to see her a lot after that. But every time I did see her. She never left his side, she would sometimes smile at him, and one night I saw her laughing with Wilson as they threw food at each other. I was told to report any misbehaviors to Lady Shiva, but I saw how happy she was and I didn't want to take that away." Cass confessed as she lowered her head. "Cass I know-" Dick started. "NO, I should have been there. I should have protected her from Shiva. My baby sister always got the brunt of mother's anger and it was not fair." Cass confessed. "Cassandra by not telling Lady Shiva about Shula and Slade's relationship. You gave her a chance at a good childhood. If you had told Shiva about them. We might not have been able to meet Shula at all." Bruce hypothesized. Cassandra looked up at him with tearful eyes and lunged into a hug. "It's going to be okay," Bruce added.

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