Into the Spotlight

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Name: Shula Wu-San aka Kitsune
Age: 17
Height: 5'5
Date of birth 12/21/2003
Eye color: Black
Weight: 120lbs
Parents: Lady Shiva and Unknown
Siblings: Cassandra Cain

Training: Master in ninjutsu, Taekwondo, Arnis, Laido, Kendo, Bojutsu, Kyusho Jitsu,  boxing, Kyūdō, Krav Maga, Muay Thai, Vale Tudo, Judo, Capoeira, Kokusho, Savage, Combato, Shippalgi, Kumbo, Aikido, Eskrima, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, Sambo, kendo, Capoeria, Line, swordmaster, marksman, espionage, bomb-making, and parkour

Abilities: can mimic voices and sounds, enhanced speed, enhanced strength, enhanced agility, enhanced Hearing, enhanced sight, advanced intelligence, and enhanced reflexes.
Languages: Russian, Spanish, Arabic, English, Xhosa, Greek, Latin, French, Italian, German, Mandarin, Japanese, Cantonese, Hebrew, Ancient Greek, ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics, Bengali, Indonesian, Portuguese, Hindi, Turkish, and Swahili
Trainers: Lady Shiva, David Cain, Talia Al Ghul, Ra Al Ghul, Slade Wilson, and classified
Date: 12/31

Shula's pov

I was finishing my makeup as Zuki and Alcne played together. Zuki would chase Alcne and the other way around. Suddenly there was a knock on my door. "Come in," I shouted at the door. Someone opened the door and shut it quietly. "Hello, Zuki and Alcne." I heard Stephanie cooed. I grinned lightly at learning of her presence. "Hello, Stephanie," I said flatly. "Oh, Shula where are you?" Stephanie questioned. "In the dressing room," I informed. I heard Stephanie walk towards my location and she peered in. Her mouth dropped as she stared at me. "Is something wrong?" I questioned. "Oh, no honey you look gorgeous." She complimented. "Oh thank you." I beamed. I pulled out a small wooden box. I opened it to reveal a golden and diamond hair ornament. "Would you mind helping me put this in my hair?" I questioned as I handed her the ornament. Stephanie nodded her head and gently took the family heirloom. I looked into my big black eyes and pulled back my shoulders proudly. I stood up and turned to face Stephanie. "Well, I feel underdressed now," Stephanie muttered. "Oh, Steph you look gorgeous," I replied. "Thank you for helping me," I added. "Oh, honey it was no problem. Besides I can say I helped you." Stephanie with a shrug. I gave her a graceful soft smile. "Come on, let's go show the boys." Stephanie grinned as she pulled me out of the dressing room. I followed her out of the room and towards the steps. Stephanie ran down and jumped down the last two steps. "Wait there." She whispers shouted. "PRESENTING THE REGAL SHULAAAA." She shouted causing everyone to look at the stairs.

Damian's pov

I turn around to look at the stairs and I gasped at the sight. Shula stood at the top in a beautiful gown. Her figure was perfectly outlined with the curves of the dress. She began to walk down the steps with her skirt trailing gracefully behind her. We were all silent as Shula graced us. I walk towards the steps and took her hand once she stepped down to our level. "You look heavenly beloved," I whispered in her ear. Shula then smiled, gracing us with her eye-catching white teeth. "Thank you, darling." She cooed. "Our car is ready," I stated. "Oh, are we, not all riding together?" Shula asked with a tilted head, making her look even more innocent. "Yeah, no cause I show up with you. I would look like a street rat that Brucie here yanked off the street." Jason explained. "Oh, I am sure that would not be the case," Shula said softly. I offered Shula my arm to which she accepted. I lead her to put black limo and opened the door for her. "Thank you, Dami." She cooed as she climbed in. I followed into the car after her and buckled myself in.

Shula's pov

We chatted in the car for a while until we pulled up to the New Years' Eve Gala. "Alright, Shula if a question feels uncomfortable to you just pass it to me," Damian stated. "Oh, I think I can handle myself," I replied softly. "Very well-beloved. Welcome into the spotlight." Damian stated as the door opened causing the flood of cameras to began their assault. I gave them a soft smile as Damian offered his hand to me which I gladly accept. "DAMIAN WAYNE OVER HERE." Someone shouted. "Over here, Damian Wayne." A black-haired female said calmly. "Hello Damian Wayne, now I see you have finally have a woman with you, and may is she more gorgeous than anyone I have ever seen. Tell me honey what is your name?" Vicky questioned. "Oh, my name is Shula Wu-San." I beamed. "Oh, that is a beautiful name. So Miss Wu-San there are reports of you going out with Damian to the Gotham City Museum are those reports true?" Vicky questioned.  "Yes, Damian and I are dating," I confirmed. "Oh well, that is wonderful. Tell me how is it dating the crowned prince of Gotham?" Vicky inquired. "Oh well, it is too magical to describe," I said as I gave a gentle smile. "He is just so sweet, protective, and just incredible," I added. "And Damian what is it like dating such a gentlewoman?" Vicky proclaimed. "Well, Shula makes everything brighter. She always smiling at the littlest things and she is so kind." Damian answered. "Alrighty well, I am going to let you guys go. Have a wonderful evening." Vicky spoke to us. "Thank you, Mrs. Vale." Damian nodded as he guided me away from her. "Well, that was stressful." I nodded. "You did beautifully beloved," Damian whispered as he leaned in to kiss me. I smiled and kissed him. This caused the media to go into a frenzy. We then pulled apart and walked into the gala. There was some old music playing over the buzz and crowds of people chatting away. "Well, this is new," I mumbled. "Too much for you darling?" Damian questioned. "As long as I am with you no." I cooed. "Oh, there is Gotham's Perfect Couple." A black-haired woman said as a black-haired, blue-eyed man joined her from behind. "Hello, Miss Kent and Mr. Kent," Damian said. "This Jonathan here?" Damian questioned. "Yeah, I am." A boy shouted as he threw his arm around Damian's other shoulder. "So I see you finally have a girl with you." The boy Jonathan smirked. I raised my brow at the boy and turned back to the adults. "Hello, I am Shula Wu-San." I greeted as I offered my hand. "Louis Kent." Louis smiled. I nodded my head and then looked at the famous Superman. I smirked myself and looked at him in the eyes. "I am Clark Kent." Clark nodded. "Well lovely to meet you both and I assume you are Jonathan Kent." I proclaimed. "Yup I've been Damian's friend since he was thirteen." Jonathan beamed. "So I've known him longer," Jonathan added. "Jonathan." Louis scolded. "Oh don't worry Mrs. Kent. I am not offended." I reasoned. Damian began to pull me away. "Oh and Jonathan, I believe I beat you by ten years," I smirked causing his jaw to drop. "Have a good evening Mr. and Mrs. Kent," Damian said as he pulled me away towards his family.

Time skip

Damian and I walked towards the dance floor. He spun me into his arms and we began to slow dance. I rested my head on his shoulder. "Why do you have to leave tomorrow?" Damian complained. "I have work beloved," I whispered. "I know Shula." Damian sighed. "Hey, I can come back for a weekend every month," I explained. Damian perked up at my words. "I would love that," Damian whispered. Soon the music ended and we walked off the dance floor. "I am going to miss you." Damian pouted. "I will miss you too my love," I replied as I cupped his face in my petite hands. Damian leaned down to kiss me as the countdown began. We kissed each other as the clock struck twelve. I grinned into the kiss. "Happy New Year Dami." I cooed. "Happy New Year Shula."

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