Chapter 27

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September 7, 1999 Tampa, Florida
"Wow, that smells really good." I sniffed the perfume that Lili handed me.

We were on a month break before doing the rest of the tour in a week. The third leg was being sponsored by Sears and we had done a commercial as well. Lili smiled and took back the perfume.

It smelled like cherry blossoms.

"I think I'll just start using my own brand." Lili shrugged. "I mean, I get it for free."

I nodded. "If I owned Gravity Cologne, I would do the same."

Lili laughed. She started putting everything away. I watched her. We were in her room. She was so organized and neat.

Quite depressing compared to me. The only reason my room in the tour bus was actually livable and clean was because of her. She had always been picking up my stray socks that I left everywhere.

Kevin often scolded me for it, but I couldn't help it. I can't become Mr. Neat overnight.

Plus, it's just easier to dump everything on my bed or desk. But since she she found out about the prank Brian and I pulled on our drummer, Tim, years ago, where I pooped in a sock and put it in the drums, I didn't think she would ever go near a stray sock again.

Not that I would do it a second time. It was extremely hard trying to poop in the little hole that a sock provided. But the most dangerous things in my room were definitely random socks lying around.

No wonder I rarely wore matching pairs. I looked down at my feet. One green and one blue. Whatever.


I looked up to see Lili.


"You okay? You zoned out for a little there." she smiled. I shrugged. I've been told that I have a short attention span.

"Yeah, just thinking about socks." Wait, that sounds like such a stupid thing to say. Who the hell thinks about socks? Ughh.

Lili chuckled. "Socks?"

I turned bright red. "Uhhh...yeah." I rub the back of my neck, as I tend to do when I'm nervous. Lili smiles and kisses my cheek.

"Silly Nick." she says, affectionately. I blush a little. She gives me another peck before putting away the last item.

I wrap my arms around her waist.


"Hi Nick." she giggles. I start going down her neck, licking her. I'll admit, I have a bit of a licking kink. She tasted like cherries. Just as I was about to leave a hickey, I heard the door open.

We jumped apart.

"Who is that?" I whispered. The only people who had a key to Lili's house were her and BJ. That made my blood freeze. Had there been another fight between my parents? But the footsteps sounded quick and heavy. I shoved Lili behind me.

Before I could grab something, the person entered. It was Logan. I heard Lili breathe a sigh of relief. But I frowned. Why does he have a key to her house?

"Logan?" Lili steps out from behind me.

"Oh there you are." Logan nods. I notice he has a spray bottle in his hand. What on earth was he going to do with that?

"Photo shoot time." he waved his hand. Lili sighed.

"Can't it wait?" she gestured to me. Logan shook his head.

"No it cannot. Now let's go." he snapped. Lili hesitated.

"Now!" Logan sprayed water on her face. She coughed and glared at him.

Mr. and Mrs. Carter: Anywhere for YouWhere stories live. Discover now