Chapter 10

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November 22, 1996 Los Angeles, California
"Yo Howie, you think we can switch partners?" AJ asked.

"Why?" Howie raised an eyebrow.

"Yours is way prettier." AJ says, sitting on the staircase.


We were in Los Angeles, recording the video for Backstreet's Back. The director, Joseph Khan, really liked our ideas for the video. I was a werewolf, Kevin was going to be some Dr. Something and Hyde thing, Howie was a vampire, AJ was some Phantom of the Opera thing, and Nick was a mummy.

The makeup had taken so long to do. Everyone complained, but I did the most complaining, since my makeup job was five hours long. Lili had Thanksgiving Break, but Nick asked her to come. She asked if it was okay with us, and we all were cool with it. She was even going to be in the video. Lili was going to be Nick's dancing partner.

After our makeup was finally done, we got ready to film. I was in the bedroom and they put the song.

"Everybody, rock your body, everybody yeah, rock your body right..." I lip sync. Then I had to howl.

We did this several times and had to lip sync my solo parts over and over again and do backflips. It was exhausting. This is why I'm a singer and not an actor.

To make things go quicker, everyone was being filmed to the same time in different places in the castle. Cameras for the behind the scenes were gone by now. I sighed as I continued to do backflips.

This mummy costume was actually pretty comfy. But I looked completely silly with my hair sticking out from the wrappings.

After lip syncing my solo parts, I had to dance and fool around with these two other blonde girl mummies. They were twins, and were honestly not that fun to talk to.

I wish Lili was one of my mummy girls. That would have been way more fun, but she was busy in the studio with the other dancers, learning the dance moves with our dance instructor. I had kinda begged her to do it, so she did it.

After I finished that scene, the twins immediately left.

Whatever. I ran to the makeup room and all my makeup was removed, including the weird stuff they had put on my teeth to make them yellow.

After I was redressed in my regular clothing, I ran to find Brian. The castle set was really big, and I got lost a couple of times, before I found Brian tying his shoe in his room.

"Hey Frack." he grins when he sees me.

"Hey Frick." I plop down on the bed. I grimace. "This thing is so hard." I bounce on the bed and it creaks.

"You're gonna break it Nick." Brian rolled his eyes and pulled me off the bed.

"Where are the other guys?" I reach into my backpack and bring out chips. I start munching.

"Kevin is hanging out with Howie in his room of horrors, and knowing AJ, he's probably flirting with the girls on set." Brian says, trying to reach for a chip. I scowl and turn away. AJ was the most flirty one of the group, hence his nickname, Bone.

"My chips." I stuff fried potatoes in my mouth.

"Sharing is caring." Brian pouts and holds out his hands. I roll my eyes. I go through the bag and pick out the smallest chip possible. It's the size of my finger nail. I place it in Brian's hand, and he frowns.

"Really?" But he takes it anyways. I shrug and we head out and find Kevin and Howie.

"Hey guys." Howie grins and takes a chip from my bag. I groan.

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