Chapter 18

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December 14, 1998 Tokyo, Japan
"You have to pay him that much?" I couldn't believe it.

"Yeah." Nick sighed. "Then we can be rid of him."

"Are you going to do it?" I asked.

"If we want to be free of Lou, we have to."

I frowned. Nick and the guys had to pay Lou a ridiculous amount of money to be free? That's stupid. Nick had told me about how he had been scamming them and including how he behaved when Nick was alone with him.

"So yeah. But we can do more without him." Nick said.

"Well that's good. I honestly can't believe he did that to you guys." I sigh.

"Neither can I. He's money hungry." Nick sounded angry. I don't blame him. 

Logan was yelling at the crew.

"Is that Logan yelling?" Nick asked.

I rubbed my temples. "Yeah. I honestly can't stand the man. I swear, he needs to get a life."

"Get a new manager then." Nick suggested.

"I can't. I signed the damn contract." I was so tired of Logan controlling everything. How I dressed, what I ate, even how much time I had for sleep.

"How much are you getting paid?"

I thought back. "I'm not sure. I never see the check."

Nick was silent for a moment. "What if he's like Lou? Taking your money as well? Didn't you tell me once that he took money out of your account without your permission?"

I started to nod. "Yeah. But Logan already makes enough money. He doesn't have a reason to take mine."

"Lili, Lou's a millionaire. He didn't have any need for our money." Nick sounded concerned.

"It's not like I can check either way. Logan controls all my accounts." I shrugged.

"He can't do that!" Nick protested.

"Nick, for the millionth time, I signed a contract."

Logan started walking toward me.

"Nick, I have to go. Logan's coming." I say, hurriedly.

"Wait. Promise me one thing. Talk to Steve about getting a new manager okay?" Nick rushed out.

"Okay. Bye." I hung up just as Logan plucked the phone out of my hand.

"That's enough for today. Now go." he snapped back to the set. I rolled my eyes and went to the set. We filmed for eight hours, and I was exhausted at the end. I was about to go to sleep when I realized I promised Nick to talk to Steve.

I painfully got out of bed and put on a black coat and shoes. Hopefully I don't get lost, since all the signs are in Japanese. Thankfully, the set is a few minutes from the hotel. On the way, I see Devon.

"Hey Lili." he waves.

"Hi." I smile.

"Where you going?"

"I just need to talk to Steve about something. I don't want Logan as my manger anymore." I shrug.

"Finally! That guy is terrible." Devon wrinkles his nose. I laugh.

"Well I have to get going. Bye." I wave and walk away. I manage to walk to the set where Steve is filming extra scenes. I wait until he's done. Then I wave him over.

"Lili? What are you doing? It's not your time to film yet. Or anyone's. I'm just filming the sky." he sounds confused.

"Yeah I know." I breathed out. "Can I just talk to you about something?"

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