Chapter 9

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July 13, 1996 Orlando Florida
"Leave me alone." I groan as Lili and Nick shake me awake.

"No get up." Nick says, sternly. I sigh and sit up.

"What time is it? My head is freaking killing me."

"That's what happens when you drink. And it's like ten pm." Lili rolls her eyes.

"Whatever." I mumble and get up to go to the restroom. When I come back, I lean on Nick and Lili for support as they lead me to the living room in Lou's house.

"Did Kevin find out that I drank?" I collapse on the couch.

"Hell yes he did." I look up to see an angry Kevin.

"What were you thinking, Brian Thomas Littrell?" Kevin crosses his arms. It felt like a billion Kevins were yelling at me.

"I think he learned his lesson." Lili puts a cold washcloth on my forehead, which eases the pain.

"Thanks." I sigh. She nods and sits down next to me. I vaguely remember seeing her and Nick slow dance last night, and I felt a little jealous. I had broken up with Sam not long ago, and it still hurt.

"Brian?" I look up to see Nick rubbing my shoulder.

"Yeah?" I press the cloth harder against my head.

"Remember when we overheard Lou's phone call?"

I nod.

"Well..." Nick explains how Lou showed Kevin these tapes of these guys who called themselves N'SYNC and how they said crap about us, according to Lou.

"And they're coming today?" I rub my temples. Kevin nods.

"In fact, they should be here any moment." Kevin gets cut off when he hears the door open. Lou comes in with five guys trailing behind him. I sit up, and take the wash cloth away. Sadly, AJ and Howie were on the other side of Orlando, so we had to deal with these five by ourselves.

"Hello boys." Lou grins.

"Hey Big Poppa." We grin.

"Kevin, I'm sure you know that these are the guys from the-"

"Video tape. Yeah I know." Kevin says, dryly.

"Yes." Lou clasps his hands together. "Let me introduce you guys. This is-" Lou's phone starts ringing. He frowns and answers it.

"Right now? Can't it wait?" Lou sighs. He stays silent for a moment. Before hanging up, he says, "Alright, be right there." Lou turns back to us. "Sorry boys, I have to go to another meeting. I expect you to get along nicely."

When Lou turns around, I see Nick rolling his eyes. As soon as the door closes, I turn my attention to the five guys. One had black hair and blue eyes, another had blonde hair and green eyes. Two of them had brown eyes and black hair. Another had brown hair and blue eyes. Then, there was this guy who looked younger than them. He had curly light brown hair and blue eyes.

Somehow, I knew this was Justin. He kept staring at Nick.

"So, are we all going to stand here?" The black haired blue eyed guy asked.

Kevin cleared his throat and held out his hand.

"Kevin." The green eyed guy took it.

"Lance." he offered. Kevin nodded. The other guys weren't introducing themselves, so Lance did it for them.

"This is JC." he points to the blue eyed guy. "And this is Chris and Joey." he gestured to the brown eyed guys.

"And this is-" Lance brings Justin forward.

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