Chapter 28

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November 12, 1999 Toronto, Canada
I snickered as I saw Nick walking around the bus in green briefs. There were a whole bunch of fans outside.

I figured I would teach him a little lesson, since all October he had been having random mood swings. And he would pretty much shut everyone out, including me.

And most of the time, we had to coax him out of a locked room. Nick had a habit of locking himself in rooms.

Today, he was actually in a good mood.

Not for long.

I sneaked up behind him and pushed him out of the bus in his green underwear. The fans screamed in delight.

Howie didn't see me push him, but he saw Nick standing outside, shivering and trying to get back on the bus. I ran away, to the kitchen.

Five minutes later, Nick came back in, angry, with a boner as we could all see.

Lili shook her head, but I could tell she was hiding a smile. Howie burst out laughing. Nick's nostrils flared and he pushed Howie really hard. Good lord. I looked at Brian and AJ. They shrugged.

But Howie went all Puetro Rican on Nick. He smacked him really hard in the head.

"Owww!" Nick yelled. He was about to punch Howie, but Brian and I rushed forward and stopped the fight before it started.

"Let me go." Nick struggled against Brian's grip. "He freaking pushed me out, wearing THIS." he started getting all mad again. I bit my lip to keep from laughing. It hadn't been Howie, it was me. Nick saw my look. His face changed.

"It was you wasn't it? Dammit Kevin!" he starts trying to tackle me, but AJ and Brian restrict him.

"Nick calm down." Lili puts a hand on his shoulder.

"But Kevin pushed me out of the bus in this." he whined. "And all the girls saw."

Lili snorted. Nick gave her a look. She quickly stopped smiling.

"Bad Kevin." she shook a finger at me. I grinned with guilt. But when Nick turned around, she gave me a high five.

"Nice one Kev." she laughed. I nodded.

"Guys, the concert is going to start. We have to get in our suits." AJ reminded us. I nodded. We went over to the stadium and went backstage to get ready. I noticed Nick was holding a pair of boxers and had a tube of something in his hand. I frowned, but Kristin called me over, and I had no time to investigate.

I went into Howie's dressing room, and found a pair of his boxers. Even though it wasn't him who pushed me out, I kinda wanted revenge.

Plus, I hadn't pranked him for a while. I unscrewed the tube of Tiger Balm and put it in his underwear. I giggled quietly.

This would definitely burn. I heard the door start to jiggle open, and I quickly threw the boxers on the couch and the balm behind a cushion. Howie came in.

He gave me a weird look.

"Nick? What are you doing in my dressing room?" he raised his eyebrows.

"Oh, uhhh, just wanted to return your boxers that I, uhh found." I stammered.

Howie looked at the boxers.

"Thanks? But wait, where did you-"

"Oh, I think Brian's calling me. Coming!" I rushed out of his trailer.

Damn. I really need to lie better. After everyone was all dressed, the concert would start in fifteen minutes. I looked at Howie to see if he had any reaction to the Tiger Balm. He seemed normal. For now. I smiled.

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