Chapter 8

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July 11, 1996 Orlando Florida
"WAKE UP KEVIN!" I yell, as I pounce on Kevin. He's been asleep literally all day. It's seven at night, and he's still asleep.

"Shit!" Kevin fell out of the bed. I nearly died laughing.

"Goddammit Nickolas Gene Carter!" Kevin groaned as he landed on his ass. I flinched. When Kevin calls you by your full name, that means he's pissed. Or empathizing something about you. I started to get up to run away, but Kevin grabs my leg. I scream and fall back.

"NO! KEVIN! HELP!" I scream, as Kevin drags me toward him. Lili and Brian burst into the room but stop as they see Kevin dragging me.

"Really?" Lili rolls her eyes.

"We thought you guys were getting murdered." Brian shakes his head.

"He's gonna kill me." I whine, holding on the the bed leg to prevent Kevin from pulling me toward him.

"Shut it Nickolas." Kevin gets up and tries to pick me up and sling me over his shoulder like he used to do when I was twelve and thirteen. He barely lifts me off the ground and the instant I'm over his shoulder, he loses his balance.

"Shit!" Kevin falls back and I land on top of him.

"Owww." I rub my arm.

"Jesus Nick, you knocked Kevin over." Lili heads toward us. Brian laughs and pulls me off of Kevin.

"Nick's not little anymore Kevin. You can't do that." Brian snickers. I was almost as tall as Kevin. Kevin was six foot one. I was six foot. But I would end up being taller than him. In a few years.

"Are you guys okay though? That looked painful." Lili checks us for injuries.

"Yeah I'm fine." I flip my hair out of my face.

"My back is not." Kevin rubs his back and I hold in laughter.

"Poor Kev. Nick really did a number on you." Lili gives Kevin a hug. Besides me, I was pretty sure Lili liked Kevin the best. They were like brother and sister. We sometimes called them Big Bro and Little Sis, the way Brian and I were called Frick and Frack.

"So, what should we do?" Brian sits down on Kevin's bed. Kevin scratches his head.

"I dunno. Hold up lemme go to the restroom." This week was one of those blessed weeks where we had no interviews, or concerts. Sure I loved performing, but it was nice to have a break once in a while. But sadly, we weren't completely resting. We had two hour photo shoots every day this week. They were pretty boring, but I spiced it up with goofing around and pranking Howie. Howie and AJ were both dead asleep.

We had all sat down together, well, minus Kevin to watch Friends. It was a sitcom on NBC that had been airing for two years. But no one loved the show more than AJ and Lili. They would record every episode on a VHS tape and have marathons. Brian and I liked it too, but not like Lili and AJ. I knew that AJ thought that Jennifer Aniston was sexy. She was pretty good, but her hair was ridiculous.

For some reason, it became really popular and woman are always getting their hair cut like that. Lili was tempted, but I managed to talk her out of it.

"Nick?" Brian and Lili ask at the same time.

"Huh?" I really gotta stop zoning out.

"I asked if you finished your homework." Kevin crosses his arms.

When did he get off the toilet?

"Uhhh." I shuffle my feet. "Everything but math." I rub the back of my neck.

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