Chapter 23

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April 27, 1999 Key West, Florida
Lili and I were still lying on the bed. I was shirtless and she was laying soft kisses on my chest and stomach.

I'll admit, I was extremely sensitive about my stomach, but Lili always made me feel wanted. Loved. Today was the day we would go back to Tampa. Everything was already packed. I didn't want to leave, but we had to. Lili came back up and kissed my cheek.

"Nick, we can't stay here any longer. It's almost eight. And you know what Kevin said last night." she leaned her head on my shoulder. I sighed.

"Okay." we both got up and changed. I put on my normal baggy jeans and a white cotton shirt. Lili changed into blue jean shorts, and a white short sleeved shirt which was tucked in. And white slip ons. She put her hair up in a cute high bun with curls poking out, as usual.

"I'm not looking forward to a plane." she sighed, grabbing her pink duffel bag. I smiled. She had no idea we wouldn't be going back on a plane.

"Who says we're going back on a plane?" I grinned. She gave me a weird look.

"Come on." I took her hand and led her out. We made sure we didn't forget anything. Then I closed the door. This house would be a very special place to us from now on. We walked on to my boat, which was decked.

"Nick? We don't have time for a walk." Lili protested. I kept pulling her along.

"Wow. A boat." Lili gasped.

"Mhm." I climb in it and extended a hand. "Come on."

"Nick, is this your boat?" Lili looked at it in amazement. I nodded. She took my hand and I pulled her up.

"When did you get this?" she looked around.

"About a year ago." I put the two duffels in the compartment.

"So you didn't come by a plane?" Lili bends over the deck.

"Nope. You like it?" I smile. Lili grins.

"I love it." she kisses me. I laugh and start the engine. She sits down next to me on the chair. She looks at all the controls with curiosity.

"Is this hard to drive?" Lili peered at all the small buttons and switches.

"Not really." I shrugged. Lili nodded and watched me driving for ten minutes before pulling out a book and reading. It was silent for two hours until Lili finished her book. She checked the time. It was eleven. We would arrive at twelve, so we had one more hour to go.

"Wanna turn on the radio?" I asked.

"Sure." she turned it on.

"Yeah" I heard Brian's voice sing. Lili looked at me.

"Is that-" she started. I nodded, flipping switches. The song continued, and I couldn't help cringing when my parts came up.

Why was I embarrassed, they were fine. Lili smiles at me and I blushed and sank lower in my seat. I noticed she was lip syncing it after a while.

"Now that sounds like a number one hit." Lili kisses my cheek.

"It is actually." I couldn't help feeling a little bit proud. "It reached number one everywhere."

Lili gasped. "I told you! I'm proud of you guys." she hugged my neck. I laughed. "Thanks."

"I'm guessing it's either called I Want It That Way or Tell Me Why." Lili giggled.

"Yeah, the first one." I chuckled. She grinned and we talked until I saw my house.

"Almost there." I spun the steering wheel with one hand, feeling cool. As soon as I pulled up to my house on the deck, Kevin and the guys came running out.

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