Chapter 6

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The guards forced Bad and George out of the throne room at sword point. They kept the two of them at sword point as the guards led them down the long hallway. Before stopping in front of a wooden door near the center of the hallway, the guards opened the door pushing the two of them forward through the door down another slightly shorter hallway, which ended at a set of stairs that the guards forced them down. the walk had been silent until the guard holding onto George pulled on George's arm, saying, "So you're George, right?" George remained silent, not answering the guard, lost in his thoughts. The guard became enraged, yanking on his arm as hard as possible, causing George to yelp as the guard said, "I'm talking to you, normie. Answer me."

George nodded quickly, fear spiking through his veins as he said, "Ye-yes, sir. my name is George."

The guard glanced over at the other one, but neither spoke again. They came to the end of the stairs, where a large metal door stood. The guard holding George said, "Don't try anything, normie." before releasing him to unlock the door with a set of keys. He then reattached it to his belt before grabbing George once more.

The guards dragged the two prisoners through the door, which shut behind them. They continued down a small hallway lined with cells. George glanced around as they walked, noticing how every single cell had at least one set of chains in them. He gulped nervously, hoping that the guards wouldn't hurt them too badly, as he looked over at Bad, who was staring intently at the ground as they walked. George turned his gaze to the floor as well, and they continued forward until they reached the end of the hall. where the guards led them over to a cell where they saw "Tommy, Tubbo?" Bad said, looking up to see the twin boys in the cell. They had chained Tommy to the back wall, so he had no way to escape. Tubbo had a metal collar on, which prevented him from using his magic. Both boys had cuts and bruises on them.

Tubbo ran over to the door, saying, "Bad!"

Tommy sat up straighter, saying, "George!"

"What are you doing here?" Tubbo said, gripping the bars of the cell.

However, before Bad or George could answer, the guard holding Bad said, "Get back, boy, before I make you."

Tubbo quickly backed up fear in his eyes, standing next to Tommy, who immediately pulled Tubbo behind himself as he snarled at the guard, saying, "Touch him, and I swear I'll kill you where you stand."

The guard laughed at that, saying, "just how are you going to do that, normie? You can't even hold a sword straight, let alone kill me."

"I'm not a fucking normie! I'm a knight!" Tommy said, straining against the chains holding him back.

Both guards laughed at that as the one holding George said, "Yeah, in training, that makes you a normie still, little boy."

Tommy growled back at him, but before he could say anything else, Tubbo grabbed his arm, whispering something in his ear, causing him to calm down, backing down from his defensive stance; however, he made sure that Tubbo was still behind him. The guard holding Bad unlocked the cell, opening the door before taking a metal collar similar to Tubbo's wearing from a hook on the wall. Bad's eyes widened in fear as he backed away, saying, "Wait, don't-" but it was too late the guard quickly grabbed his arm, pulling him closer before snapping the collar around his neck. Bad grabbed the collar, trying to pull it off as he started hyperventilating, but the guard pushed him forward into the cell, causing him to fall. He curled into a ball, breathing heavily as the guard locked the door behind him. Tubbo quickly rushed to Bad's side, helping him to his feet, whispering something to him. Gradually, he started calming down as he took a few deep breaths before saying, "Wait-" he took a deep breath, "What about George?"

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