Chapter 27

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The group quickly entered through the large double doors. The walls of the throne room were covered in colorful tapestries that depicted different scenes, from the creation of the SMP to the most recent battle for L'manburg though how they got that one so fast was a mystery to the group. In the front center of the room was a massive golden throne where a figure sat. This figure had medium-length wavy brown hair, an intricate crown on their head, and pale skin and sunglasses covering their eyes. They also carried a staff with a bismuth stone sitting at the top. Behind the king stood another man. This one was holding a small staff and had a hood over his head, blocking out his eyes and most of his face, so all you could see was his mouth which was turned down in a frown. The king smiled at the group before saying, "Welcome, gentlemen, to the SMP kingdom. I am king Eret." The group bowed before the king.

"Thank you, your highness," Dream said as he straightened himself out "why have you summoned us?" He asked before promptly groaning in pain, George having slammed an elbow into his side at his rudeness.

George quickly apologized, saying, "I'm sorry about him. He doesn't like royalty."

Eret chuckled at that, saying, "it's quite alright. I can understand his mistrust of me. However, I wish to speak to George alone."

Skeppy and Bad bowed before quickly leaving; however, Dream didn't move from his spot, and he said:: "sorry, your highness, but I won't leave my fiance alone with a monarch again."

"Fiance?" Eret said, glancing over at George "when did this happen?"

"About two weeks ago," George said.

"Congratulations," Eret said before turning to the guards still in the room. They said, "leave us alone." The guards looked uncertain, but they quickly left the room. "Now then," Eret said, "since you refuse to leave George alone, I guess I'll have to tell both of you."

At this, the figure behind the throne shifted nervously before saying, "I don't think that's a good idea, your highness. What if the knight tells someone."

Eret waved them off, saying, "I was getting to that, now George, Dream before I tell you the reasoning behind my summoning you; I need to perform a vow of secrecy on the two of you."

The figure behind the throne visibly relaxed at that. As George and Dream exchanged a look before Dream said, "can you give us a minute to discuss this." To which Eret nodded, then Dream turned to George, pulling him out of earshot of Eret before discussing with George.

After they argued back and forth for a while, George turned to Eret, dragging Dream with him as he said, "King Eret, we accept your terms."

"Excellent," Eret said, clapping their hands together "then let's get started." They held out their hands and said, "to perform the spell, we should be holding hands," George and Dream both approached the king, placing one of their hands in each of theirs. as soon as they were in position, Eret began to mutter in the ancient language. Their hands began to glow a deep purple color.

Once they had finished the spell, Dream immediately let go of their hand and walked away, pulling George with him as he said: "ok, you've finished your spell. Now. Why did you summon us here?"

George promptly elbowed him in the side, smiling apologetically as Eret chuckled, saying, "the reason I summoned you here is because of George. Since he's a normie, I wanted to let him know he wasn't the last normie, for I am a normie-"

"Impossible normies can't perform spells." George interrupted, "I know I've tried."

Dream gave him an incredulous look at that saying, "you tried to perform magic."

George winced at his accusatory tone, but before he could say anything, King Eret said, "what you just witnessed was the work of my personal mage Fundy." The figure behind the throne stepped forward at that, lowering his hood to reveal bright orange hair and two fox ears with deep purple eyes that glowed with a powerful light. The figure, now known as Fundy, waved at them as Eret continued saying, "Fundy performs all the spells you see me do."

"Wow, you must be a powerful mage, fundy." Dream said 

Fundy blushed at the praise, saying, "thank you."

"Thank you for sharing this with us, your majesty," George said. "However, I already knew there were more normies. I knew I wasn't the only one because schlatt had found a female normie. He was going to force me to repopulate with her."

"What?!" king Eret yelled in anger. "That's horrible. I'm glad that tyrant died before he could go through with his plans."

"As am I," George said 

"Well, I'm sorry to have dragged you out here for nothing. You are welcome to stay as long as you like. I have plenty of space for you and your companions," Eret said as Fundy replaced the hood over his head,

"Thank you, your majesty," Dream said, bowing low. "But I think we better get going. We don't want to be stuck here all winter."

"very well, at least let me feed you. I'm sure you're hungry from your travels," Eret said 

"We would greatly appreciate that, your majesty," George said as Dream's stomach growled. 

Eret dismissed them, saying dinner would be ready in a few hours.

Meanwhile, the two went to rejoin their companions, who immediately asked what had happened. They refused to tell them; however, if they had tried, they would've found themselves unable to speak. A servant then showed them two separate guest rooms, one for George and Dream and another for skeppy and bad. George immediately climbed into the bed and fell asleep, exhausted from all the traveling, with Dream following him shortly. A few hours later, a servant came and woke them up. They were then led to the dining room where a feast had been set out for them, and they quickly sat down and ate, enjoying the food laid before them. After eating, they said their goodbyes to Eret, packed up, and started the long journey home.

The journey went smoothly, and before they knew it, they were back home. Once they had returned home, they quickly unpacked before sending the carriages back to king technoblade. Then they settled down and spent the rest of their lives tending to their farm.

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