Chapter 10

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George finally managed to come back to consciousness, immediately being hit with a wave of pain through his entire body. He groaned in pain before attempting to sit up, only to stop as pain wracked his body. "Oh my goodness! you're awake!" A familiar voice rang out.

A small body then rammed into George, who promptly groaned in pain. The body immediately got off George as a different familiar voice said, "Sorry, George!" 

"It's alright," George said as he opened his eyes seeing the small brown-haired boy looking at him guiltily; George said, "Tubbo, it's ok, I'm fine. You just surprised me, is all. come here." he opened his arms to welcome Tubbo in for a hug which made the young mage light up quickly going in for a hug. However, he was a lot more gentle as he embraced him. 

"You've been out for a long time, George. You had us worried," Bad said, approaching the two as Tubbo finally let go of George, heading back to Tommy. Tommy was as close to George as he could get since the chains only allowed him to move about a foot away from where they connected to the wall.

"What happened?" George asked, the pain finally subsiding to be just a headache allowing him to sit up fully, holding his head.

"Well, after 'sap' beat you up, the other guard brought you back to us. You were close to death when he did, so Tubbo and I combined our efforts to heal you. But, unfortunately, we did have to tap into your energy stores to fully heal you, which is the source of your headache." Bad said, stepping forward and placing his hand on George's forehead, testing for a fever. "you don't have a fever. The spell should have healed all of your injuries. that's the only other explanation." Bad took his hand away, stepping back to give George some space.

"How long have I been out?" George asked, looking up but immediately looking back down as a wave of pain hit his head. He groaned, gripping his head once more.

"About two days." Tommy said, "Tubbo was the first to wake up yesterday morning, then Bad woke up last night, and now you today. I'd guess it's about midday now since it's about time for the guards to bring in lunch."

"Two days?!" George said, surprised, still holding his head,

"Here, let me help you with that," Bad said, gently laying his hand on George's head. He began to rub his head gently, relieving the pain. 

"Thanks, Bad," George said, finally able to think now that his headache had left.

"Your welcome, muffin," Bad said, giving him a small smile as he removed his hands.

Before anyone else could say anything, a loud bang echoed through the cell, causing all four to look toward the cell door, revealing two familiar guards. Bad immediately stood in front of George, attempting to protect him as George backed away from the two guards fearfully. Sapnap laughed at him before shoving Bad to the ground and grabbing George by the arm, saying to Bad, "You can't protect him from me. Hell, in the state you're in right now, you couldn't protect yourself from me." Bad looked up at him in horror.

"Sap, knock it off. that's not what we're here to do." Karl said, pulling Sapnap back as he moved over to Tommy and Tubbo, pulling out two sets of handcuffs. "Don't worry. We aren't here to hurt you. The king wants to see you," he said as he turned Tubbo around, gently placing the handcuffs around his wrists before doing the same to Tommy unlocking the chains around his wrists as soon as the handcuffs were on him. "Come on, Sap, hurry up."

"Yeah, yeah." Sapnap scoffed, turning George around before locking his set of handcuffs tightly around George's wrists, making him wince as the cuffs pinched his skin Sap then threw him to the side, causing him to fall to the floor where he stayed as Sapnap did the same to Bad only he didn't throw Bad. Instead, he pulled George onto his feet, dragging the two of them out of the cell and leading the way to the throne room.

However, instead of going down the main hall, they took an alternate path ending up in front of a small door where they waited for a long time before the king's booming voice said, "BRING THEM IN!" 

Sapnap opened the door, shoving Bad and George through as Karl gently led the other two through. They stopped beside the throne, where the guards forced them to kneel. George looked around the room, noticing that Dream, Skeppy, and Wilbur stood in the middle of the throne room as Dream held a man with long pink hair whom he assumed was Technoblade at sword point. "As you can see, they're fine, other than being a little dirty." The king said, gesturing to the four prisoners. 

"Good." Dream said, "Well, we got Technoblade. Now release them."

The king's eye twitched in annoyance at Dream's tone of voice before saying, "Hand over Technoblade first." he made a gesture. One of the many guards in the room stepped forward, ready to grab Technoblade.

However, Dream pulled away from the guard dragging Technoblade with him as he said, "No way in hell! Release them first. Then we'll give you Techno."

The king chuckled, saying, "You don't trust me?" Dream didn't answer; instead, glaring at the king, who smirked before saying, "Smart choice, very well, how about a compromise? First, I'll release all but one of the prisoners. Then once I have Technoblade, I'll release the last one. That way, we both have leverage, so neither can betray the other." 

Dream thought for a moment before saying, "Fine." 

The king grew a wicked smirk on his face saying, "Excellent now to decide which prisoner to keep," he hummed thoughtfully before saying, "I know I'll have one of the guards choose for me!" he clapped his hands together, glancing over all of his guards before his gaze landed on Sapnap. He pointed to him, saying, "You! Choose a prisoner." 

George felt his heart skip a beat, and the color drain from his face as Sapnap said, "how about his lover boy? George." 

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