Chapter 23

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The group ran down the empty hallways hearing the sounds of fighting getting closer with each step until they managed to get to the throne room. Punz and Purpled were the first to arrive, with Techno right behind them at the door. They could hear the sounds of fighting on the other side of the door. Punz turned to the rest of the group, saying, "All we have to do now is get to the other side of the throne room then down a hallway, and we're out; however, by the sounds on the other side of this door, the main part of fighting has made its way to the throne room, so we're going to have to fight our way out."

Dream interrupted, saying, "Neither Bad nor George can fight, so someone will have to stick with them. I'll stay with George."

Punz nodded, saying, "Right, I figured that. So I've come up with a plan we split into two groups, two," he said, pointing at the knights who came from king Eret,

One of the guards answered, "Antfrost, but you can call me Ant, and that's Callahan. He doesn't talk," 

"right, Callahan, Ant, Quackity, Wilbur, Techno, and Phil, you six can care for Bad. Since he's unconscious, I want him out of here as quickly as possible to avoid any harm coming to him. Wilbur?" the mage in question looked up expectantly as Punz said, "Once Bad is out of danger, do you think you could use your-"

"No," Wilbur cut him off quickly, "Bad's not hurt. He's depleted his energy stores; he's lucky to be alive. Magic won't help him. He needs rest, good rest."

Punz nodded, saying, "Fine, the rest of us will be protecting George. However, since he's awake, he may have to fight."

"One problem," Techno said, stepping forward, "how are we supposed to fight. None of us have any weapons." Punz turned to Purpled, giving him a look and Purpled nodded before speaking in the ancient language, waving his staff at the group. A purple glow surrounded the group, and weapons appeared in their hands. A maniacal glint appeared in Techno's eyes as he said, "That's more like it!" brandishing his netherite ax.

Punz then smirked, saying, "great job, little bro!"

Purpled gave him a thumbs up, leaning slightly on his staff as he was somewhat out of breath. Wilbur then spoke up, saying, "What spell was that? I've heard about summoning spells before but never of that magnitude!"

Purpled looked over at him, saying, "I make up my spells-"

"WHAT?! but that's impossible! Unless..." Wilbur cut off the younger mage in surprise, pausing in the middle of his sentence to think before his eyes widened in awe as he said, "Unless you somehow managed to become fluent in the ancient language!" Purpled gave him a knowing look before nodding. Wilbur took a step back in surprise, saying, "How?! I didn't know there was a book with the completed language. They were all destroyed with the endermen."

"We may have destroyed the books, but the endermen still live," Purpled said firmly, having caught his breath.

"There's no way the endermen still exists. They haven't been seen in over a hundred years, not since the end was closed!" 

"Believed it or not, I know that they still exist. I became fluent in the ancient language through one!" Purpled said frustratedly before gasping and covering his mouth with his hand muttering, "I wasn't supposed to say that."

There was silence at his words broken by Dream, who said, "You've met an endermen?"

Purpled frantically shook his head, trying to go back on his words as he said, "No! I found a book on the creatures and-"

"Give it up, Purpled," Wilbur said, suddenly becoming hostile toward the young mage as he took a threatening step toward him. "You've been caught red-handed. Those things still exist, and you've met and spent time with one! Do you have any idea of the capabilities of those things? You should have just killed it!" 

Punz stepped between the two mages and, threateningly, put his hand on his sword as he said, "That's enough, Wilbur. Step. Back."

Wilbur glared at Punz, but upon seeing the look in his eyes, he stepped back away from Purpled. However, Punz still didn't relax, remaining in front of Purpled as Purpled replied, "I, of anyone, know what the endermen are capable of; they raised me! They aren't things. They're people with lives and families just like you and me!"

"They've killed people in horrible ways!"

"So have humans! Hell Schlatt, a human, has killed thousands in his cruel reign! The endermen deserve life just like us hell, they were here first! humans deserve to be wiped out if anything!" 

"Says the man who was fucking raised by monsters!"

The two of them continued to argue back and forth; meanwhile, George was nervously clinging to Dream as the others stood around awkwardly. Finally, Techno had enough, yelling loudly, "ENOUGH!" startling the two mages who jumped at his loud yell. He continued saying, "We're supposed to be getting out of here, not bickering amongst ourselves!" both mages looked down in shame. However, Purpled still seemed angry at Wilbur. 

Though his attention snapped to Punz when he started talking once more, saying, "Right, I should explain the rest of the plan. Since I want Bad out of here as quickly as possible, I want his group to go into the throne room and attempt to get to the other side and out the door. As for the rest of us, we will wait for five minutes before entering the throne room. That way, Bad's group has had plenty of time to get out of the throne room, and hopefully, the soldiers will have been distracted, making it easier for us to get out. Any objections?" he waited for a split second before saying, "No? good, then let's get this party started." 

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