Chapter 24

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Bad's group immediately entered the throne room, and while the others waited, George turned to Dream, hugging him tightly as he said, "Dream, I'm scared. What if he corners me again? what if we can't break through the soldiers? what if-"

"George!" Dream cut him off, holding his face between his hands to make George look at him as he continued, "No matter what happens in that room, I'll stay by your side."

"Promise?" George said worriedly,

"Promise," Dream said, pulling the shorter boy into a tight hug before kissing him gently.

When they separated, Purpled said, "It's time. I hope you're ready." The rest of the group nodded as he said, "Just remember our goal is keeping George safe until we're out of here." Before opening the door to the throne room, signaling for the rest of them to enter. They entered with George in the middle closest to Dream so that he couldn't see much of anything, but he had a tight hold on the sword he held. The sounds of fighting surrounded him, with the rest of the group fighting off the soldiers, keeping them far from George.

As George watched the chaos around him, he suddenly felt very overwhelmed. His breathing sped up as the room began to spin. He took a step back, which Dream noticed, and he tried to get George's attention, but George couldn't hear anything. Dream yelled something to the others before grabbing George's hand and turning his attention toward him as he started speaking, but George still couldn't hear anything. Then Dream looked up, his eyes widening in fear as he quickly pushed George to the side, blocking a sword stroke that would have killed them. Dream then swung his sword upward, twisting it. As Dream forced the blade from the soldier's grip, he promptly sliced toward the soldier's ribs giving him a nasty cut on his side. The soldier cried out and fell to the ground, where Dream promptly sliced his head off.

Then Dream turned toward where he had pushed George, expecting to see him still panicking. However, when he turned around, George was nowhere to be found. Dream immediately felt panic surge through his veins as he frantically called out George's name, running through the chaos and searching for him, but he couldn't find him anywhere. The confusion started to die down as, slowly but surely, Schlatt's men began to retreat. Dream caught sight of Technoblade across the room and quickly ran toward him, saying, "Technoblade!"

Catching Technoblade's attention as he waved a bloodied ax in the air, however, it was apparent that Dream was frantic as he got closer. Once he was close enough, Technoblade said, "Dream! What's wrong? Where's George?"

Dream took a second to catch his breath before saying, "I can't find him anywhere! One minute he was behind me, and the next, he was gone! Where are the others? We have to find him before-" The rest of his words were cut off by a scream drawing attention to the front of the room where King Schlatt stood with a terrified George at his feet, pinned to the ground by a knife The King had stabbed through his shoulder.

George looked up at the king in fear as he lay there, unable to move due to the knife in his shoulder. The king leveled his sword at his throat, ignoring George's whimpers of pain. The king said, "You brought this upon yourself, George. All I ever wanted was to repopulate the normies! That's it! But you went and ruined EVERYTHING! You and that stupid boyfriend of yours! You had to be selfish, And now because of you, the normies may never repopulate! They may even die out because of your selfishness!"

George said shakily, despite his pain, "I-it's n-not selfish to want n-not to be r-r-raped."

The king pushed his sword further into George's neck, ignoring his words and Saying, "Since you refuse to cooperate, I'll just have to get rid of you!"

George's eyes widened in fear as the king drew back his arm, preparing to plunge it forward into George's heart. As he started to thrust it forward, George closed his eyes, trying his best to shield himself with his good arm. The blow never came, and George carefully opened his eyes only to see the king with his sword still raised in the air with a sword stuck out through his chest. The king coughed up blood which landed on George, spattering his face with blood before the king slumped forward, his sword clattering to the floor next to George as a monotone voice said, "Long live the king." George looked sharply to see Technoblade holding Dream's blade, which the king's blood covered. Technoblade looked over at George, the sword now at his side, as he took a step forward, causing George to flinch backward, wincing as the blade in his shoulder pulled. Technoblade raised his hands in a pacifying manner, saying, "I'm not going to hurt you, George. I'm here to help."

George gave him a skeptical look as Dream came up from behind Technoblade, pushing him out of the way. He slid on his knees over to George, grabbing his uninjured hand as he said, "I'm so sorry, George. I don't know what happened. I never meant to leave you, I swear-"

George silenced him by pulling him into a kiss before saying, "It's not your fault, Dream. He came out of nowhere. It's alright."

"But I broke my promise to you," Dream said, a worried look on his face as Technoblade knelt on the other side of George, examining the knife wound on his shoulder as the two talked.

"I know, Dream, it's ok. It wasn't your fault," George said, feeling extremely tired as the adrenaline started to wear off.

"Keep him awake, Dream," Technoblade said quickly as the others in the room approached them. However, George had already passed out in Dream's arms, and no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't get him to wake up again.

"What happened?" Wilbur said, pushing his way to the front of the group,

"Schlatt managed to get to George somehow and stabbed him through the shoulder, it's a deep wound, and he's already lost a lot of blood; I don't know how much longer he'll last like this."

Wilbur cursed under his breath, saying, "I've used up all my energy reserves and don't have enough in me to heal an injury like that-"

"I can heal him," Purpled said from behind, moving Technoblade out of the way so he could get a better look at the wound.

However, before he could even begin, Wilbur said, "No way you stay away from him, you freak of nature."

Purpled glared at him, but before he could say anything, Technoblade said, "Enough, Wilbur. I don't care how he was raised if he says he can heal George, then he can heal George. We don't have time for your discrimination."

Wilbur glared at Purpled but allowed Technoblade to pull him away from George, allowing Purpled closer. Purpled knelt next to George, examining the wound closely, then he started chanting quietly under his breath in the ancient language. He paused once during the chanting keeping his eyes closed as he said, "Dream, slowly and carefully pull out the knife." Dream nodded before grabbing the handle of the knife and carefully pulling the knife out of George's shoulder as Purpled resumed his chanting. As Dream pulled on the blade, the wound closed itself behind the knife, allowing it to be removed without any blood loss. However, even though the injury was shut entirely, Purpled continued to chant, and the purple glow which had initially only been on his shoulder moved to encase his entire body. Wilbur gasped in amazement once the glow had fully diminished, and Purpled opened his eyes tiredly, saying, "I've done all I can. The rest is up to him." before passing out.

Technoblade caught purpled as he fell backward, looking over at Dream as he said, "What now?"

Dream shrugged, saying, "I guess you're the king now," he bent down, scooping up George. "You can do as you please. I'm going to take George home so he can heal." Dream moved to leave

Technoblade stops him with a hand on his shoulder, saying, "You and George can both stay in the castle until George wakes up if you'd like." Dream hesitated for a moment before nodding. He followed Technoblade as he traversed the halls until they arrived at a fancy-looking door, which Technoblade quickly opened, revealing a massive room with green walls. In the center of the room was a king-sized bed with green and gold covers. Dream cautiously made his way into the room, still carrying George, as Technoblade said, "Set George on the bed. He can rest there until he wakes up. In the meantime, I have to meet with the council to discuss my coronation. Would you like to join me?"

Dream looked surprised, saying, "Me? why would I join you?"

techno shrugged, saying, "you're the reason we went to fight Schlatt in the first place. If it weren't for you and George, id still be farming potatoes in the middle of nowhere as Schlatt slowly drove this country into the ground. I feel like you deserve some credit for what you did."

"Thanks for the thought but no thanks. After George wakes, we'll go home and settle down for a while." Dream said, grabbing George's hand gently.

Technoblade nodded before leaving and wandering down the hallway to the meeting room.

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