Chapter 13

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The first thing Dream noticed when he woke up was the splitting pain in his head. He groaned in pain as he sat up slowly. He heard Bad say, "Easy, Dream, don't sit up yet. You have a small concussion." Despite how tired the older mage looked, he still managed to restrain Dream on the bed.

"What happened?" Dream said before the memories flooded his head. He gasped, ignoring Bad's protests. He sat up fully, saying, "George! We have to go get him!"

Bad said, "not so fast. No one here is in any shape to do that. Take a breath and calm yourself."

"No! we have to go after him now!" Dream said, trying to stand, but a sharp pain in his head stopped him, and he yelled in pain before falling back down on his bed. "OW! What the fuck!"

"Language!" Bad said before helping Dream to lay back down.

"Not now, Bad." Dream groaned, giving in to Bad and laying back down. "What happened?"

"You nearly Fucking killed us! That's what happened!" Tommy said, coming into the room, his right arm in a sling, and Tubbo, who had bandages covering his hands, was clinging to his other arm. Wilbur looked exhausted, gauze covering his hands and arms up to his elbows, and Techno, who had bandages wrapped around his stomach, was close behind the twins.

"Language," Bad muttered.

Dream sat up at Tommy's words, saying, "What?! There's no way you're blaming me for that! All I wanted was to get George before we left! I could have got him! then we wouldn't be in this Fucking situation!"

Techno cut in, saying, "No, you couldn't have! We were all exhausted if we had stayed any longer. It could have gotten us all killed. Your lucky to be alive right now, Dream."

Skeppy poked his head in at that time, bruises littering his face, saying, "What's going on?" Before limping over to Bad, he had his right thigh and left arm wrapped tightly in bandages. Bad quickly wrapped his arms around Skeppy as he leaned into him.

"It's nothing to worry about, Skep, just an argument is all," Bad said quietly.

"It doesn't matter anyway." Dream said, putting his arm over his eyes as he laid back down, "there's nothing we can do about it now." At his statement, there was silence in the room before he said, "Where's Phil? I thought he'd be up here, with all the commotion."

"He's not at the house right now. He wanted some time to himself, so he took a walk. He should be back any moment," Techno said, crossing his arms.

Skeppy whispered something to Bad, who suddenly stood saying, "Dream needs some space. You've all had time to speak to him, and we all need rest, so everybody out!" Then he shooed everyone out of the room before grabbing Skeppy and leaving himself smiling gently at Dream before saying, "Get some rest, Dream. I'll let you know if Phil comes back, alright?" Dream nodded as Bad left, closing the door behind himself as Dream drifted off to sleep.

Meanwhile, Phil had been flying through the sky for a while now. He was heading to the castle to see if he could figure out where George was. Though he honestly had very little hope on the matter, it had been two days since the big fight, and with all of the mages out of commission, Phil was forced to step up and give everyone first aid, having been the only one uninjured and capable of doing so. Phil sighed as he flew closer to the castle, watching the ground below so he wouldn't be spotted. He was the last of his kind and didn't feel like being kidnapped for money today. As he kept a close eye on the ground, he spotted someone in purple leaving the castle grounds. Phil's curiosity got the better of him. He decided to follow the strange person in purple. He followed the strange man for a while before stopping at a house. The house looked exactly like Dream had described his home, but why would this strange man go to Dream's home? Phil landed behind the house folding his wings in and hiding them beneath the robe he wore before peering around the house, watching as the strange man entered it. Phil snuck in after entering as the stranger spoke, seemingly to himself, "Damn, not here. I knew it was a long shot. Where else could he be?" 

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