Chapter 22

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"What the hell was that?!" Wilbur said, getting to his feet,

"I don't know, but it didn't sound good," Purpled said as Punz helped him to his feet.

George groaned groggily, opening his eyes and saying, "What's going on? Where am I?"

"George?! How the hell are you awake?! You should still be in a fucking coma! This makes no fucking  sense!" Purpled said, raking his hands through his hair.

"We can focus on that later." Dream said, supporting George as he got his bearings. "Right now, we need to get Bad, Quackity, and Karl and get the hell out of here."

George regained his balance, saying, "Dream, what's happening?"

"I'll explain later, alright, Georgie?" Dream said, allowing George to stand on his own two feet.

George nodded. However, before the group could continue, the group heard running down the hall, and Punz swore, saying, "Quick back in the cell, don't worry, I won't lock it."

The group quickly rushed into the cell hiding in the back as far away from the door as they could get. The footsteps got closer, stopping in front of the cell, and they heard Punz yelling and another unfamiliar voice, but they couldn't make out any words. Still, they all tensed when the handle to the cell rattled before the door opened, and Punz stepped into the cell, saying, "There are some guys here for you all. They say king Eret has given them orders to retrieve you all."

"Who the hell is king Eret?" Wilbur said skeptically,

Punz shrugged, saying, "I don't know, but they said king Eret knows, sir Skeppy. I don't know if that means anything to you."

"Sir Skeppy is our friend, Tommy, Tubbo, and he were the only ones in our group who didn't get caught." Dream said quickly,

"Well, did you want to go with them?" Punz asked 

"It could be a trap," Techno said suspiciously.

Dream scoffed before stepping forward, saying, "It could be a trap, or it could be our only way out of here. We don't have much to lose if it is a trap. But we have everything to gain if it isn't. I say we take our chances and go."

the rest of the group muttered agreement as Techno sighed, saying, "You've got a point, Dream," he then turned to Punz and Purpled, who were standing near the door, saying, "Lead the way,"

Punz nodded, opening the door to reveal two royal guards. The only thing different was their emblem. It was a rainbow flag with a pink, purple, and blue-colored heart in the middle instead of Schlatt's emblem, just a pair of ram horns. the moment they came out of the cell, the right guard said, "Ok is this all of them?"

Punz answered, saying, "No, we still need to get Bad, Quackity, and Karl, don't worry, though. According to the register, they're all in the same cell."

"Did you say Bad? As in Badboyhalo?"  The guard said, suddenly way more interested in the conversation,

"Yes," Punz said, "Why the sudden interest in Bad?"

The guard nervously ran a hand through his hair, saying, "Because Sir Skeppy has stated that Bad and George were the number one priority for rescue." The guard looked up at the others, saying, "Not that the others weren't important, just that those two were top priority." 

Punz then led the way back to the stairs pulling out the parchment once more and scanning it before dashing up the stairs. Stopping a few floors up at a large metal door, he pulled out a set of keys, saying, "For some odd reason, these three are under maximum security measures per Sapnap's instruction."

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