Chapter 18

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George was terrified. The moment the guard had taken him from Dream, they threw him into a separate room similar to the torture room he had been in a month ago. However, this time, he wasn't restrained and was free to roam around the room as he pleased. He didn't, though. Instead, he sat in the corner furthest from the door with his knees pulled up to his chest. He knew he was in trouble from his escape attempt, but he was unsure how much trouble he was in since this was his third strike. However, his thoughts were interrupted as the door to the room opened, revealing an extremely pissed-looking Schlatt and two other guards. That was all he could register before the king had him pinned to the wall behind him by his throat as he said, "I have given you chance after chance George, and you continue to defy me!"

George couldn't respond since the king had cut off his air. He started to see black around his vision, but before he could pass out, the king threw him across the room, leaving him coughing on the ground as he tried to get air back in his lungs. "I've been extremely patient with you and your little group of friends, but my patience has reached its end!" He snapped his fingers, and one of the two guards walked over to George and pulled him over to a table in the middle of the room, strapping his arms and legs down to it. As they were doing that, Schlatt slowly walked over so he was standing in front of George. The guard then strapped a metal contraption around George's neck, making it as tight as possible without cutting off his air.

"What are you going to do to me?" George said, struggling against his restraints. The king didn't answer him, though. Instead, he turned to the guard, who now had a small remote in his hand. The king took the small remote, smirking. George paled at the look, struggling harder against the restraints, but nothing he did made any difference.

"I didn't want to do this to you. We wouldn't be here right now if you had just stayed put." George looked at the king with fear as the king pressed down on the button. An intense shock coursed through George's body, leaving him with no choice but to scream as loud as possible. He continued screaming until the shock suddenly stopped, leaving George panting in pain, but he barely had time to recover before he was shocked again. He shrieked once more until the shock wore off.

"Stop! Please! I'm Sorry! I'll be good! Please!" George yelled as he saw the king go to press the button once more. His pleading did nothing, though, as the king pressed the button one more time.

George screamed until his voice ran out. His mouth was open in a silent scream as this shock lasted longer than the others. The king spoke once the shock ended, saying, "This isn't even the worst of what I have in store for you, Georgie." Before grabbing a handful of his hair, he yanked his head up to look into his tear-filled eyes before saying, "I tried to tell you, but you didn't want to listen. Did you?" George shook his head as the king gave him a look of pity, saying, "Maybe after all this, you'll finally do as you're told like a good little normie, hmm?"

 George nodded quickly, saying, "I swear I'll listen now. Please just stop." His voice was quiet and hoarse from all the yelling.

However, the king shook his head, saying, "I'm sorry, Georgie, but I can't stop just yet. We haven't gotten to the best part yet." Before turning to the other guard, the one who hadn't done anything yet saying, "Give me the syringe." The guard nodded quickly, walking over to the king and handing him a syringe filled with a purple glowing liquid. George's eyes widened in fear as the king flicked the needle to eliminate any bubbles before plunging the syringe deep into his veins and injecting the liquid shortly after. At first, nothing happened, and George relaxed slightly. He was about to ask what had been injected into him. A burning pain ripped through his veins, starting at the injection site and spreading quickly through the rest of his body. George yelled louder than before as the liquid ripped through his body. He vaguely heard the king say something as his vision blurred and swam in front of him. The room's colors swirled together in strange patterns before the entire room changed into a forest. He quickly looked around, noticing that the burning pain was gone, replaced by a slight tingling sensation.

 He sat up, finding himself no longer strapped to the table. He stood up, rubbing his head as he wondered where he was. was it all a dream? Had he wandered off and gotten lost then passed out? No, the pain of the shocks was still fresh in his mind. as he looked around, taking in his surroundings, he realized that he was in a forest. As he continued to look around, a sound made him snap his head to the left, only to spot an odd-looking creature. It had the body of a bear, the head of a wolf with antlers, and the eyes of a goat. The beast slowly approached George, causing George to freeze in fear. The creature sniffed at George before narrowing its eyes at him and lowering its head. The antlers pointed directly at George's stomach. George started running away from the creature, not wanting to be gorged alive, but the more he ran, the more he realized that nothing he did would change anything. Despite this, he kept running as the creature charged after him gaining more and more on George until eventually catching up to George and trampling him before turning around and lowering its giant head and ripping into his stomach with a ferocious fury. George screamed as it seemed to tear him apart bit by bit until finally, blissfully, he fell into unconsciousness. 

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