Chapter 20

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When George next awoke, he was still on the table with Schlatt standing over him, a wicked grin on his face as he said, "You're awake. Finally, so how was your trip?"

"My...What?" George asked groggily, blinking to try and clear his vision.

"Your trip from the drug? Tell me about it." The king said, sitting in a nearby chair and folding his hands together.

George groaned as the past hour's events came rushing back to his head, and he said incredulously, "You gave me drugs? Is that what you injected me with?"

Schlatt nodded, saying impatiently, "Yes, now tell me what you experienced!"

George flinched at the harsh tone in the king's voice as he shakily recalled what he had experienced back to the king.

Schlatt nodded, writing something down on his notepad before waving over the guards, who quickly freed George from the table, keeping a tight hold on his arms as they lowered him to the ground. The king said, "if that's all, you're free to go back to the cell. I'll have my personal mage come and assess your mental and physical health in a minute, or so. in the meantime, feel free to do as you please in the cell."

The guards then dragged George out of the room and back to the cell, where they threw him in. He landed on the ground and curled up in a ball as he heard Dream yell, "What the hell did you bastards do to him?!" pulling at the chains that kept him away from George. The guards ignored him though locking the cell door as they left.

Once they had left, Dream's tone shifted from demanding to gentle and soothing as he said, "Georgie?"

George flinched at the sound, backing away from Dream as he said, "No! Please! I'm sorry! Please Schlatt! I swear I'll behave!" He backed away till he hit the wall covering his ears and muttering fearfully.

"Whoa there, George, I'm not going to hurt you. It's me, Dream." Dream said gently, unable to go to him but trying his best to comfort him as he spoke comforting words to him. Phil, who was closer to him, gently pulled George toward him. George was hesitant at first but slowly allowed the older man to pull him into a hug. Phil wrapped the normie in a hug, wrapping his wings around them, shielding George from the outside as George wept into his shoulder, gripping his cloak tightly. Phil rubbed gentle circles into his back.

Dream looked on, feeling a slight pang of jealousy, but he brushed off the feeling knowing that George would come to him when he was ready. He didn't have to wait for long. a few minutes later, George managed to calm himself down, so he separated from the older man giving him a grateful smile which Phil returned. George crawled over to Dream, curling up in his lap as Dream wrapped his arms around him. The two of them stayed that way for a long time before Dream cautiously said, "George?" George hummed in response as Dream continued gently, "What triggered the panic attack?" George immediately tensed at the question Dream quickly backtracked, saying, "You don't have to answer-"

"No," George interrupted, "it's not that I just..." George took a deep breath gripping Dream's shirt tightly, saying, "It's just I've had a long day," George shuddered at the name, burying his head into Dream's shoulder. his following words came out muffled, "The king tortured and drugged me, and the trip as he called it was awful."

Dream hugged George closely, anger flowing through his veins, but he kept himself under control, whispering, "I'm sorry, Georgie, I wish I could've done something." George just shook his head, unable to speak because of the tears which soon fell at Dream's following words, "I love you, George." Causing George to burst into tears again, soaking Dream's shirt as he clung to him. Dream held him whispering comforting words to him as he slowly calmed down. George relaxed in Dream's embrace.

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