Chapter 26

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Two days later

Today was the day of Technoblades's coronation, and everyone in the kingdom was invited since, according to Technoblade, "It's their kingdom too. They deserve a chance to meet their king" however he made sure that the front row was reserved. Which is where Dream sat with George snuggled into his side. Their engagement rings glowed nearby. The two had gotten engaged shortly after they decided to go to the SMP kingdom. They had decided to go after Techno's coronation.

"Dream, what is all this?" George asked, staring in awe at the beautiful candle-lit platform in the middle of a beautiful flower field.

George gasped as Dream grabbed his hand and knelt before him. Holding a small black box, "George Micheal Davidson. These last few months have been hell for me. fighting for my life and yours. However, knowing that I was fighting for you made me realize just how much I love you. so," he opened the box revealing a beautifully crafted ring. With four tiny emeralds embedded into the gold band on either side of a beautiful sapphire, "Will you make me the happiest man on earth and marry me?"

George started tearing up as he lept onto Dream, saying, "Yes! Yes! a thousand times Yes!" hugging Dream tightly before separating, allowing Dream to slip the beautiful ring onto his finger. Once it was on, George took a moment to admire the ring before laughing.

"What's so funny, George?" Dream asked, worried he had screwed up somehow.

"It's just," George said, pulling out a box as he turned toward Dream, "I was planning on proposing tomorrow." He opened the box revealing a silver ring with a large emerald set directly in the center, surrounded by small diamonds and Sapphires.

Dream laughed, taking the small box. George took the ring and slipped it onto his finger as Dream said, "Guess we are meant for each other."

George settled himself into Dream's lap, sighing contently as he said, "Yeah, we are."

Later, Dream went and had Wilbur put a spell on them, so they functioned similarly to the necklaces they already owned.

The two lovebirds remained snuggled close as Bad and Skeppy sat with Karl and Quackity. Wilbur, Tommy, Tubbo, and Phil sat on the other side of them. Wilbur had explained to Tommy and Tubbo about Phil being their father, and they had refused to leave Phil's side since. They demanded to know what he had been up to since Schlatt had separated them. 

The mix of friends and family soon quieted as the head councilman stood, gaining everyone's attention as he said, "Long has our kingdom been under the deadly glare of a selfish king. now, as we gather here, I present you with the nobleman who has freed our kingdom from a greedy and deplorable reign!" The high councilman then motioned for Technoblade to stand as the High councilman placed the crown on his head, saying, "I now give you King Technoblade the great! May his reign be long and peaceful!"

Technoblade turned toward the crowd, his head held high as shouts of "Long Live King Technoblade!" rang throughout the great hall, and soon after, the crowd erupted into clapping and cheering.

After the coronation, George and Dream finished packing for the month-and-a-half-long trip. It would take them two weeks to get up there; then, they planned to spend a week in the SMP kingdom, then it would take them two more weeks to get back. After packing, they took their bags to the front of the castle, where the others were waiting for them. There was Skeppy, Bad Antfrost, Callahan, and the rest of the army that the SMP kingdom had sent that would be going with them to the SMP kingdom. Then there were the others who had come to say goodbye.
After they said goodbye, they got in the carriage and settled for the long ride to the SMP kingdom.

 The ride to the SMP kingdom was uneventful. They passed through several villages, stopping for a small break every four hours. After two weeks of continuous travel, they finally arrived at the border, a large river cutting through the land. They crossed the river with little trouble, and the guards on the other side greeted them before leading them to the castle. The journey to the castle took another three days. The day they were to meet the king of the SMP, they woke up bright and early, getting dressed in their best clothes before having breakfast at the local tavern where they stayed the night. 

Then George, Dream, Skeppy, Bad, Antfrost,  and Callahan made the three-hour journey to the castle on foot. The rest of the army had dispersed to their villages and homes along the way. When they finally arrived at the castle, two guards greeted one of whom said, "halt, who goes there?!"

Antfrost answered, "Sir Antfrost, sir Callahan and guests, we have an appointment with his majesty King Eret at noon."

The guard to the left looked them over skeptically before saying, "you may enter." Leading the way into the castle, however, instead of being led straight to the throne room, the guard first led them to a room where the guard said, "disarm yourselves and leave your weapons here."

The others disarmed themselves quickly. However, Dream hesitated in removing his weapons, and when George noticed his hesitation, he said, "Dream, what's wrong?"

Dream said, "I don't like being weaponless, especially in a foreign kingdom. What if things go wrong and this king Eret is just like Schlatt?"

Callahan seemed to have overheard his worries and started gesturing with his hands; however, Dream couldn't understand what he was trying to say, and so Callahan got Antfrost's attention before gesturing again, and Antfrost said, "Callahan wants you to know that king Eret is nothing like Schlatt and you two have nothing to worry about."

Dream gave him a skeptical look before Skeppy said, "Dream, I've known king Eret since I was a kid. He's nothing like Schlatt, trust me."

Which seemed to win Dream over as he finally disarmed himself, putting his sword with the rest of the weapons.

 Then guard led them through a long series of hallways until they finally reached a large set of colorful doors with intricate designs swirling across the multicolored doors. The guard who had been leading them the whole time knocked three times on the doors, and a deep voice spoke from the other side, saying, "enter."

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