Chapter 16

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Doomsday finally arrived. George woke up to the sun shining brightly in his eyes. He groaned, refusing to get up. George rolled over, pulling the blanket over his head and going back to sleep. Roughly an hour later, he was woken up by a loud banging on his door, startling him, and he jumped up in bed, sitting bolt upright as the door opened, revealing Sapnap, Quackity, and Karl. Sapnap was the first to speak, smirking at George as he said, "It's time, normie hope you're ready." He shut the door.

Karl went to the closet to get George's outfit, just another t-shirt and a pair of jeans since they wouldn't arrive at the female normie's house for another three days. He gave the outfit to George, saying, "Get dressed, George,"

George quickly changed, hiding under the blanket for privacy though the chain on his wrist prevented him from changing his shirt, and George said, "I can't change my shirt because of the chain." He poked his head out from under the blanket.

Quackity nodded, pulling out a set of keys which Sapnap promptly snatched, saying, "You try anything, and you will regret it, understood?" George nodded quickly. Sapnap pulled on the chain, yanking George's hand out from under the blanket, which he grabbed, quickly unlocking the chain, saying, "Change your shirt quickly." George did as told As soon as he finished. Sapnap grabbed his arms, pulling out a set of handcuffs, clamping them onto George's wrists, and pulling him out of bed. George stumbled out the door as Sapnap led the way through hallway after hallway, with Karl and Quackity following behind. After roughly 5 minutes of walking, they made it outside. George blinked in the sunlight as his eyes adjusted. Once they had, he noticed there were two carriages. One had bars on the windows and a heavy-duty lock on the door. The other carriage looked more luxurious, being light blue with gold accents.

"Enjoying the view?" a voice spoke behind George, making him jump, quickly turning around to see King Schlatt, who was dressed to travel.

"I thought it was just me going," George said hesitantly.

"Oh no." Schlatt said, slinging an arm around his shoulders, "I wouldn't want you to make this journey alone, Georgie." George tried to shrug the King's arm off of his shoulders. However, Schlatt was persistent in keeping it there. He steered George toward the carriage with bars on it, saying, "Now, unfortunately, we can't let you take the fancy carriage with me due to your history of escape attempts. However, I made sure they made this carriage as comfortable as possible for you."

Quackity opened the door for George as Schlatt shoved him forward into the carriage, causing him to fall on the carriage floor. Luckily, the inside had soft pillows scattered and soft benches to rest on during the journey, so the fall wasn't bad. George quickly scrambled to get onto one of the benches in the carriage, where he sat straight-backed. Schlatt smirked at George, saying, "Of course, you won't have the whole carriage to yourself you'll be sharing with Captain Quackity, and Sir Karl will be your driver as Sir Sapnap is mine then. Of course, the other guards will be here as well. as long as you behave, everything should be fine," Schlatt then grabbed George's chin and turned his head to face him, "but if you decide to be difficult, we have less comfortable accommodations for you." Schlatt then moved so George could see behind him a smaller carriage that was more of a cage on wheels; chains were on the ground of the cell attached to the cage's bars. George's face paled at the thought of traveling in there. Schlatt's voice interrupted George's thoughts as he said: "Remember, Georgie, obedience is rewarded," The grip on his face tightened, so Schlatt's nails were digging into George's face causing George to let out an involuntary whimper "disobedience is punished."

George nodded quickly, suddenly nervous as Schlatt let go of him before stepping away, allowing Quackity to enter the carriage. He sat down opposite George. Schlatt then shut and locked the door behind Quackity. As soon as the lock clicked, Quackity pulled out a set of keys unlocking the cuffs on George's wrists. "Thank you," George said quietly, rubbing his wrists as the carriage began to move. George stared out the window watching the world go by them.

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