Chapter 25

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George still hadn't woken up, and it was beginning to worry everyone. Dream refused to leave his side for anything wanting to be around when he woke. Wilbur came by with the twins for meals. Sometime after lunch, Purpled would come in to assess George's health, which always seemed normal. Even when Bad, the primary healer of the group, evaluated George. It came back completely normal that had been a week ago. After another week of constant vigil, Technoblade visited with the news. He said, "Dream, you're needed to choose the new king."

"What?" Dream said, lifting his head from where it had been resting on George's chest,

Technoblade shrugged in response, saying, "Since you were one of the few people who saw Schlatt get killed, the council wants you to be there to help decide who the new king should be."

"Shouldn't the decision be easy? You were the one to kill him by law. The new king is you. I don't see why I need to be there." Dream said, laying his head back down on George's chest.

Technoblade shrugged, placing a hand on Dream's shoulder, saying, "Yeah, but they need at least three witnesses who saw me kill him before they can make it official."

"So get someone else. I'm busy." Dream said tiredly, starting to close his eyes.

"Can't. You're the only other witness the council will accept."

Dream scowled at the ground, saying, "why me?" Technoblade just shrugged as Dream sighed, standing up and saying, "fine, but if he wakes up while I'm gone, I'm going to kill you." Which Technoblade snorted at,

They arrived shortly at the council room, opening the doors to chaos. The council members were arguing with each other. None of them seemed to notice the duo until Technoblade shouted "QUIET!" immediately silencing all argument.

Once the head councilman realized Technoblade had brought Dream with him, he smiled, going to speak. Before he could, Dream said, "I saw Technoblade kill Schlatt just before George passed out. I vouch for him. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a boyfriend to get back to." before turning and slamming the door shut behind himself as he stalked back to George's room leaving a stunned council in his wake.

Dream stalked down the hallway back to George, cursing the council before slamming the door open. The sight of George lying motionless on the bed caused the anger to drain from his body, immediately replaced by worry. He quietly shut the door behind himself. He sat beside George, watching his chest move up and down with his breath. Dream carefully grabbed George's hand, saying, "please, George, I know you're still there. Please, please, if you can hear me, I need you to wake up, please," Dream laid his head on George's chest, saying, "I can't live without you."

Dream stayed that way for a few hours before a gentle knock on the door. Dream glanced at the door, which opened to reveal Wilbur, Tommy, and Tubbo. Wilbur held a plate of food and gave Dream a gentle smile saying, "Hey, Dream," Dream barely acknowledged him as he sat in the only other chair in the room. Tommy and Tubbo chose to sit on the ground as close to Wilbur as they could get, with Tommy eventually pulling Tubbo onto his lap. Wilbur placed the plate of food closer to Dream, saying quietly, "You need to eat, Dream."

"I'm not hungry."

"You haven't eaten in three days."

"I'm. Not. hungry." Dream said, glaring at Wilbur.

Wilbur glared right back. The staring contest went on for a few minutes before Wilbur sighed, saying, "Dream, please eat something. Starving yourself isn't doing George any favors."

Dream sighed, sitting up and taking the plate of food. Wilbur stood when he did. The two teenagers followed suit as Wilbur said, "I'm sure he'll wake up soon, Dream, just give it time." before leaving.

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