Chapter 3

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Once they arrived at Bad's house, Dream knocked on the door twice before standing back. The door swung open, revealing a dark-haired male wearing a blue sweatshirt with a pair of jeans. He held a sword defensively. Once he spotted them, he sheathed his sword, saying, "Dream! George! what brings you two here?" he embraced them tightly, causing George to gasp in pain.

"It's good to see you to Skeppy, but we need to see Bad. George got himself hurt this morning, and it's been getting worse."

"Oh! Of course, come on in." Skeppy said, holding the door open for them. Dream helped George inside. However, Skeppy stepped in front of Sir Quackity, saying, "You have to stay outside. Bad and I aren't big fans of your kind," he narrowed his eyes shutting the door. Not letting him defend himself as he turned to Dream, saying, "put George on the couch. I'll go get Bad." Before rushing up the stairs to their shared bedroom.

Dream quickly laid George down on the couch, trying not to hurt him too much as he said, "are you comfortable? Do you need anything?"

George gave him a small smile before grimacing in pain as he said, "I'm fine, Dream. You don't need to worry so much."

Dream was about to reply, but before he could, Skeppy came running down the stairs dragging a confused-looking Bad down with him, who said, "Skeppy! What the muffin is this about? I was in the middle of practicing-" he gasped when he saw George laying on the couch. A concerned Dream holding his hand tightly, Bad rushed over to George's side, gently pushing Dream out of the way as he said, "oh my goodness! You poor muffin. What happened?"

Dream answered, "George ran into some trouble at the market this morning. I thought it was just a few bruises, but now he's having trouble moving without pain."

Bad nodded before lifting George's shirt to examine the damage done. All three of them gasped. The bruise was much worse now, spreading from the middle of his chest down his entire side. It was a dark purple color with yellow at the edges; Bad said, "I have to make sure it's not broken since healing bruises is an entirely different spell from healing broken bones. This is going to hurt George. Are you ready?" George nodded before bracing himself as Bad pushed on his injured ribs, causing George to cry out in pain. Dream whispered comforting things into his ear, holding his hand as George squeezed as hard as possible. Bad muttered an apology working as quickly as he could. As soon as he finished checking for a break, he sat back on his heels, pulling his hands away as he said, "there's at least one broken rib there, possibly two, so this is going to be painful since I have to move the bone back in place before I can heal it,"

George nodded, but as Bad continued, he grabbed his hands, stopping Bad in his tracks as he said: "wait can you give me just a moment?" Before releasing his hands.

"Of course," Bad said, sitting back on his heels. Skeppy, who had been standing near the end of the couch, then moved to crouch behind Bad, wrapping his arms around him and whispering something in his ear that caused Bad's entire face to turn as red as a tomato as he gently smacked Skeppy's shoulder, saying loudly "Skeppy! Don't say stuff like that!"

Skeppy burst out laughing, still holding onto Bad as he said, "you should see your face. You're so red!"

Bad pushed him away, saying, "you muffin head." Making Skeppy laugh harder as he fell over, landing on Dream, who rolled his eyes at the two pushing Skeppy off him.

Skeppy soon got a hold of himself, sitting up and saying, "sorry, Bad, I had to." Bad, however, didn't reply, choosing instead to glare at him before turning away in a huff crossing his arms, "aww, Bad, don't be like that," Skeppy said as he moved closer, wrapping his arms around Bad's waist once more snuggling his head into his neck giving Bad chills as his breath hit his neck. Bad laid his head on top of Skeppy's instinctively as Skeppy looked up at him, giving him puppy dog eyes as he said, "do you forgive me?"

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