Chapter 17

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The ride back to the palace was silent except for the group's heavy breathing as they ran behind George's cage-carriage. Once they arrived, they were ushered down to the cellars by the guards. Once there, the guards separated them into three groups Quackity, Karl, and Bad; Techno and Wilbur; and Dream, George, and Phil. Then put in the cells with the knights getting chained to the back wall. Once the guards had left, George crawled over to Dream, shaking as Dream wrapped him in a hug stroking his hair and whispering calming words to him as George broke down, bawling his eyes out as Dream held him gently. Eventually, George cried himself to sleep. Dream stroked his hair as he slept when Dream noticed Phil staring at him, smiling. FinallDreameam said, "Do you need something?"

Phil shook his head, saying, "No, I'm just reminiscing."

"About what?" Dream asked

"My wife," Phil said sadly,

"What happened to her?" Dream asked hesitantly, hoping he wasn't pushing the older man.

Phil gave him a sad smile saying, "She died a while ago. Tommy was only six months old when she passed from illness."

"Oh," Dream said, "I'm sorry."

"What for?" Phil said, "You didn't get her sick did you?"

"Well, no,-"

"Then you have nothing to be sorry for, Dream."

"I feel bad for bringing it up, though. I'm sure I opened some old wounds." Dream said quietly.

Phil gave him a gentle smile saying, "I came to terms with her death years ago."

Dream was quiet at that, looking down at George, sleeping peacefully in his lap. He thought about what he would do if George died. he couldn't handle life without George. He squeezed George closer to him, burying his face into George's hair and slowly falling asleep.

Dream woke to the loud bang of the prison door opening. George woke with a start, immediately clinging on to Dream tightly. Dream gently but firmly held George to him as he whispered reassuring things. George started to calm down but jolted again when the cell door slammed open. Sapnap was standing on the other side of the door, looking extremely pissed off. He looked around the cell, his eyes lingering on George, who clung tightly to Dream, who was now glaring at Sapnap while holding George tightly to himself. Before snapping over to Phil, who was also glaring at him as he took out a set of keys, saying, "Relax, lover boy, I ain't here for him. I'm here for birdie." Phil's face paled, but he otherwise showed no fear as he glared at Sapnap, who scoffed at him as he walked over to him, saying, "Just so you know, I've received permission to break your other wing if you misbehave," Sapnap knelt next to Phil saying "So be a good little birdie." Phil only glared at him as the knight unlocked the chain on his wrists that attached him to the wall behind him. He handcuffed his hands behind him, grabbing his upper arm as he half-dragged Phil out of the cell, slamming the door behind him.

He continued to drag Phil down the hall, with Phil occasionally tripping, but that didn't stop the knight, who continued to drag him until he regained his footing. They finally arrived at a door that Sapnap opened, pushing Phil in and then onto one of the many beds filling the room. "Stay here," Sapnap growled out. Before leaving the room, Phil heard the click of a lock before silence. He breathed a sigh of relief as he looked around the room. It appeared to be a medical room, with potions lining the back shelves, some of which he recognized as instant health potions and regeneration potions and others that he had no idea what they did. His eyes continued to roam the room, looking for something that might be able to help him get out. Suddenly, the door slammed open, revealing Sapnap once more; however, he was dragging Bad and Wilbur behind him this time. He threw the two mages in front of Phil, causing Bad to fall over; however, Wilbur managed to catch him before hitting the ground. Sapnap then unlocked the collars around their necks, saying, "You have twenty minutes to heal him before I come back, try anything and-"

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