Chapter 21

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Dream's eyes widened at Purpled's words, but Phil said, "What the hell are you talking about?"

Both Purpled and Punz smirked as Punz pulled out a set of keys, saying, "I believe what Purp is trying to say is we're breaking you out of here." Punz then walked over to Dream, twirling the keys around his finger before unlocking the cuffs around Dream's wrists. Dream rubbed his wrists which were sore from him pulling against the chains.

"Thanks," Dream said. Punz nodded in response before freeing Phil. Phil thanked him as well, rubbing his wrists.

"So!" Purpled said, clapping his hands together and startling the three previous prisoners as he continued, "Before we move on, I have a quick question for you, George." George glanced over at him, motioning for him to continue, which he did, saying, "I noticed a trace of magic throughout you while I was assessing your health. if I may, I'd like to know what spells you've had performed on you recently and, if there are multiple, how far between the spells."

"Oh," George said, putting his first finger to his chin as he thought back, "I'm pretty sure that I've had two healing spells performed on me recently. One was about a month ago, and the other was two weeks ago." 

"You've had two healing spells less than a month apart?! How the- what- I don't-" Purpled stuttered for a few minutes before gathering himself with a deep breath. Saying, "How the hell are you still awake? Healing spells take a lot out of the people they are performed on and the mage. You should be in a coma-like state-" before Purpled could finish his sentence, George passed out, almost hitting the ground. Fortunately,  Dream managed to catch him before he hit the ground. Purpled quickly moves over to George, muttering to himself as he checks George's vitals. Once he finishes, he sighs in relief, saying, "It's a damn good thing I didn't perform that healing spell today. It could've killed him." He faced Dream, who had a horrified look on his face as Purpled continued, "He'll be fine though he needs lots of rest, good rest. He should wake in a few days."

Dream nodded, shifting George onto his back as he said, "I'll carry him until he wakes then." 

"That'll make it hard for you to fight if need be," Phil commented, stretching his wings out in preparation to go.

"No shit," Dream said, gripping George's legs tightly. "If it comes to fighting, which more than likely it will, you three will have to do most of the fighting. I'll help where I can."

Punz pulled out a small dagger handing it to Phil, who took it gratefully as Punz said, "Come on, we don't have much time before the guards start getting suspicious."

Dream nodded, saying, "We have to get the others out." 

"There are more of you?" Punz said incredulously.

"Yeah, about five more," Phil said, crossing his arms 

"Five?!" Punz said, "Holy shit! This will be way more difficult than we originally planned, Purp."

Purpled didn't answer, though. He started muttering to himself as he was deep in thought. Punz attempted to get his attention by snapping his fingers in front of his face and saying his name repeatedly until he finally snapped out of his thoughts, saying, "Huh? What?"

"We need to get going if we're going to get out of here," Punz said to the mage.

"Oh right, "Purpled said before turning to the other two, saying, "Are you sure you want to try and rescue the others? It lowers our chance of getting out of here safely."

Phil went to answer, but Dream cut him off, saying, "Yes, I'm the reason they're here in the first place. It's only right for us to get them out of this mess."

Purpled nodded before leading the way, saying, "what are your friend's names?"

Phil answered, speaking quickly as he said, "Techno, Wilbur, Quackity, Bad, and Karl."

Purpled nodded, saying, "Punz-"

"Already on it," Punz said, pulling out a sheet of parchment and scanning through it before saying, "Ok, they're in two different cells on two different floors. It looks like Wilbur and Techno are in cell 26-B and Quackity Karl and Bad are in cell 38- A," 

"Shit, the king spread these guys out," Purpled said, following Punz as he ran down the hallway toward a set of stairs, Phil and Dream following closely behind. 

Punz nodded, looking down at the parchment, saying "This way," before going up the stairs until stopping in front of a large wooden door that Punz opened with keys, running down the long hallway full of cell doors, each one had a number over it. Eventually, Punz stopped in front of a door labeled 26, saying, "Alright, this is Technoblade and Wilbur's cell, be careful, though. Only Technoblade is chained, and it states here that Wilbur is violent."

"He's only violent when he has to be." Dream said, defending Wilbur from the harsh words of the guard.

"Riiiiiight," Punz said, pulling out a set of keys and unlocking the door. "Just in case, though, I'll go first." He then opened the door and immediately was attacked by Wilbur, who jumped on him, knocking him to the ground.

Before he could hit him, Purpled engaged his magic surrounding Wilbur in a purple aura and lifted him off of Punz as he said, " Dude! We aren't here to hurt you!"

"Bullshit! I-" Wilbur yelled,

Dream cut him off, saying, "Wil! calm down!"

"Dream? Phil?" Wilbur said, surprised. "What?-" 

Purpled put him back on the ground as Punz entered the cell with the keys, and Purpled said, "Believe me now?"

Wilbur blinked in confusion, but before he could speak, Phil cut in, saying, "We still need to get out of here. Listen, Wil, we'll explain everything once we're safe. Just trust us, alright?"

Wilbur nodded as Punz exited the cell, with Techno following closely behind; however, before the group could do anything else, a large explosion was heard above them, which shook the ground beneath them, causing them to fall over. 

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