Chapter 14

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George hadn't moved since Karl left, remaining curled up in the middle of his bed with the covers drawn over his head, he didn't know how long he had been there, and he didn't care. He just wanted to go home and snuggle on the couch with Dream. He wondered how Dream was doing. Knowing the older boy, he was most likely planning to tear the castle apart to find him. Once Dream found him, he would never let George out of his sight again. George chuckled lightly at the thought of Dream before hearing a knock on the door. He frowned, not sure who it could be. Since Karl had just left and Sapnap didn't usually knock, when the king came to visit, he usually had sapnap open the door for him, but no one else came to visit him. George peeked his head out from under the blankets to see the door open. He quickly ducked beneath the blankets again as he heard the door shut again and footsteps walk across the room. "George?" The person said gently as George felt the bed dip down as the person sat on his bed. George ignored him, curling up tighter, the person sighed, placing a hand on George's back, saying "George." in a more serious tone, but George just whimpered in response, flinching away from the touch. "George, come on, I know you're scared, but come out from under there. You're going to suffocate." The person said, pulling gently on the blanket.

"Go away," George said, pulling the blanket tighter over his head, 

The person sighed, saying, "I'm giving you one more chance to come out on your own before I make you."

George flung the blanket off his head, glaring at the person as the cool air hit his face. "What do you want, Quackity?" George said harsher than he had intended, but he didn't correct himself, glaring at the guard who had been the reason for all of this to have happened though in reality, blaming the guard was unfair to him since he had only been doing his job, George didn't care. Quackity was one of the few people he could get angry at without any consequences or backlash, and George took full advantage of that.

Quackity gave him a small smile ignoring the harsh tone George used, knowing that he was upset, saying, "I just wanted to check on you. I know it's difficult for you to stay locked up in here. I wanted to make sure you weren't doing anything stupid."

George scoffed at his statement saying, "Difficult is an understatement, and I'm fine."

Quackity scoffed at him, saying, "Bullshit, no one in your position is 'fine' tell me what's going through that head of yours."

TW: Talk of rape. You can skip this one if need be; George is just recounting the events that happened to him. Skip to *** if need be.

George crossed his arms, continuing to glare at the knight. "Well, for starters, the king is trying to have me help repopulate by letting some random girl rape me, and for what?! I'm a normie, and she'd be a normie from what he said. It's not like we can do anything special there's a reason the others tried to wipe us from existence. Besides that, I'm fucking gay! I don't want to have sex with some girl!"George dropped his head into his hands before saying, "I just want to go home." he started crying softly.***

Quackity gave him a look of sympathy before pulling the young normie into a hug and rubbing his back to soothe George. Quackity's mind raced with different thoughts. The poor boy would probably never see home or his boyfriend again. As Quackity rubbed comforting circles into George's back, he decided then and there that he would help George get back to Dream, and he was going to make sure he stayed with Dream. Once George had calmed down, Quackity said, "George, I want to help you get out of here."

"What?" George croaked his voice horse from all the crying.

"I want to help get you out of here," Quackity said as they separated. "You don't deserve this life. No one deserves a life like this." 

George gave a hesitant smile before launching himself at Quackity hugging him tightly as he said, "Thank you!"

Quackity stayed with George for another few minutes before there was a quiet knock at the door. George stiffened at the knock before relaxing once more as he heard the familiar voice of Karl say, "George. It's Karl. Can I come in?"

George glanced at Quackity, who gave him a quick nod before saying, "Come on in, Karl."

The door opened, and Karl stepped into the room, going to say something but stopping when he saw Quackity George smiled at Karl, saying, "Karl!" as he jumped out of bed, attempting to go to Karl. Only to be stopped by the chain on his wrist. He cursed as it pulled on his wrist, reopening a few raw spots as Karl came over to him, hugging him tightly as he said, "I need to talk to you alone, George."

"It's ok, Karl," George said, dragging Karl back over to the bed where he sat down next to Quackity, gesturing for Karl to sit next to him, which he did as George said, "Quackity wants to help me escape to."

"Oh, well, in that case, I know where Dream is-" Karl started,

"WHAT!" George yelled, cutting him off as he grabbed Karl, saying, "Where is he? Is he ok? Is he safe? When can I see him?"

"Calm down, George, let the man speak!" Quackity said, pulling George off of Karl,

"Thank you, Quackity." Karl said, sitting upright once more before clearing his throat and saying, "As I was saying, I know where Dream is, but I can't tell you yet. However, I can tell you that he's safe and that he's making a plan to come and rescue you."

George sighed in relief, saying, "Thank goodness,"

Karl then explained the plan to the two of them with minimal details, hoping that it was already in motion.

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