Chapter 1

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George cautiously made his way across the market grounds knowing that he really shouldn't be here, considering he was a normie surrounded by mages and knights. It was supposed to be their time to shop. His time came in the afternoon, but today was his and Dream's one-year anniversary, so he wanted to get Dream something special to celebrate. However, when his time to shop came around, all the good stuff was usually gone, so he had decided today he would go to the market early. He had to be sneaky, though, or else he'd get caught, so he kept his head low as he carefully scanned the various shops searching for the perfect gift.

After a few minutes of searching, he came across a perfectly bright red apple. Perfect Dream loves apples. After checking the price, he bought the apple keeping his eyes lowered. Hoping that the shopkeeper didn't realize he was a normie. After purchasing the apple, George started making his way home smiling as he imagined the joy Dream would have once he saw the apple. Maybe after George tells him that he went to the market early, he would even loosen up on him and stop treating him like a child. Unfortunately for George, he was so caught up in his thoughts that he forgot to pay attention to his surroundings and slammed right into a tall man with a sword strapped to his side, immediately identifying him as a knight.

The knight turned around quickly, saying, "Hey! Watch it-" but his words died on his tongue as he laid eyes on George, attempting to run. However, the knight grabbed his arm, pulling George back with a small yelp as the knight said, "Not so fast." He pulled George up to eye level holding him off the ground as he struggled to get free. The knight glared at George before saying, "What the hell are you doing here, normie." George, however, was too focused on getting free to acknowledge the question. The knight's eyes narrowed in anger as he drew his sword, leveling it at George's throat, causing him to freeze as the knight spoke in a tone that allowed no argument. "I will give you one more chance to answer me before things get ugly, normie. What the hell are you doing here?"

George stuttered out, "I-I-I g-got lost, sir. I'm j-just trying to get home." The knight's grip tightened on George's wrist, making him cry out in pain as he tried to pull his arm out of the knight's grip, saying, "P-please s-sir! let me g-go, I j-just want to go home."

"Are you ordering me around, normie?" the knight asked, pushing his sword deeper into George's neck, nearly drawing blood.

George's eyes widened in fear as he realized what the knight was doing. "N-no! I s-wear s-sir I'm s-sorry-"

The knight cut him off though hissing, "Shut your mouth before I shut you up permanently." instantly silencing George. "I don't believe a word you say, boy, especially after I saw you steal that apple." he motioned toward the apple, clutched tightly in George's free hand. George opened his mouth to explain that he hadn't stolen the apple, but the knight glared at him, saying, "Silence! you speak when spoken to understand?" the grip tightened once more as George nodded quickly, tears threatening to fall. The knight continued sheathing his sword, "Now I'm a forgiving guy, alright." he dropped George, who quickly pulled his arm close to his body. The knight towered over him, saying, "And I'm more than willing to forget I ever saw you," George looked up in fear and confusion as the knight continued, "if. you give me the apple."

George pulled the apple closer to his body, defying the knight as he said, "n-no. I paid f-for this fair and square it doesn't belong t-to you."

The knight's eyes flashed with anger as he took a step closer to George, who took a step backward until his back hit a wall, and the knight leaned over him, speaking quietly, which was somehow worse than his yelling as he said: "are you defying me?" George winced at his tone, shaking his head no as he clutched the apple to himself as if his life depended on it. "What's your name, normie."

George swallowed nervously, saying, "G-George."

The knight slammed his hand against the wall behind George, making the smaller man flinch, closing his eyes in fear as the knight said, "No, you dumbass! Your last name. I'm reporting you for theft."

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