Chapter 2

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Dream threw George on the couch when they finally arrived back home, which sent a spiking pain through his ribs. He winced, catching Dream's attention, who said: "Are you ok, George?"

George said, "No," holding his ribs.

"May I check?" Dream asked. When George nodded, Dream gently lifted his shirt, immediately gasping at the large purple bruise across George's ribs. "This might hurt. ok?" then, Dream pressed on the bruise, trying to feel for a break, causing George to curse in pain, but Dream found nothing. "Ok, done. It doesn't feel like anything's broken, but I can have Bad come over later to look at it."

George nodded, saying, "Yes, please, it hurts like hell that knight fucked me up."

Dream nodded before sitting down on the couch next to him, having George lay down in his lap as he gently played with his hair. Dream said, "Sooo about that gift?"

George giggled, immediately regretting it as pain shot through his ribs, causing him to groan slightly, before pulling out the bright red apple, which surprisingly was unharmed. He gave it to Dream, saying, "I know how much you love apples, so I got the best-looking one in the market."

Dream smiled, gently setting the apple down on the table before standing up and heading to the back room. He came back with something hidden behind his back a little later. He said, "I was going to wait until later to give this to you, but I guess now's as good a time as any. Now close your eyes." George did as told. He heard some shuffling before Dream said, "Ok, now open them."

George opened his eyes to see Dream holding up two necklaces. One was bright blue, and the other was dark green. Dream handed him the green one saying, "They're enchanted. I asked Tubbo and Wilbur to help me with it. They work like a homing device. If we get separated, we can squeeze the gem to find each other again. However, Tubbo said to only use it in an emergency since it could potentially break the gem." George looked over the delicate necklace noticing the emerald was held in place by golden threads of metal that made a beautiful tree design swirling around the gemstone.

He looked at Dream's necklace, noticing that the only difference was the type of gem used. Dream's was a sapphire, whereas George had an emerald. George looked up at Dream, saying, "I love it!" before hugging Dream tightly. Dream returned the gesture being careful not to squeeze too tight on his ribs. After a minute or two, they separated. George held his necklace out to Dream, saying, "Can you help me put it on?" Dream nodded before gently taking the necklace from George fastening it around his neck so that the gem hung down to the middle of his chest. George then helped Dream secure his necklace before admiring his gem once more, shifting it in and out of the light admiring how it shone. Suddenly George looked sad.

"What's wrong, Georgie?" Dream asked, grabbing his hand "do you not like it?"

"No, no. I love it. It's just," and he muttered something looking away,

"I can't understand you, Georgie. Can you speak up, please?"

George sighed before saying, "It's just I feel like my gift is so lame in comparison, and I feel bad about it."

"Oh, Georgie," and dream pulled George into a hug as he said, "I love your gift because it's from you. It doesn't matter to me how expensive or cheap it may be. I love it because you thought of it, which makes it priceless in my eyes."

"Thank you, Dream," George said, snuggling into his chest. They stayed that way for a long time until Dream turned on the tv, laying down and pulling George on top of him. They spent the rest of the day snuggling and watching movies.

A few hours later, when they were getting into the next movie, there was a knock at the door Dream paused the film sitting up gently as George slid off him, saying nervously, "Who is it?"

"I don't know. Stay here; I'll check it out." Dream said as he stood up and went to open the door.

He opened the door to be greeted by a royal guard who immediately saluted him, saying, "Is this the residence of one Sir Dream Anderson and one George Davidson?"

"Yes, it is. What can I do for you?" Dream said, leaning against the doorframe to prevent the knight from seeing inside, as he was trying to get a look at George, who crouched down on the couch, with only his eyes visible. However, when he caught sight of the royal guard, he quickly ducked back down.

"My name is Sir Quackity, captain of the royal guard of L'manburg. I have news from his royal highness king Schlatt." The knight said, ignoring George now that he had seen him. He pulled out a scroll unrolling it to read aloud, "His royal highness requests the presence of one Sir Dream Anderson and one George Davidson at the royal palace sundown. The captain of the royal guard Sir Quackity, that's me, shall accompany them on their journey to the palace."

Dream's eyes widened. He had never been summoned by the king before. It made him wonder just what happened to make this come to pass and why the king wanted George to go. He was a normie. It wasn't like he could do much. Dream shook his head to clear it before saying, "Let me get ready, and we'll be on our way," Quackity nodded, taking a step forward. Dream stopped him saying, "It shouldn't take long. You can wait out here," before shutting the door and locking it as Dream let out a breath he didn't know he was holding, directing his gaze at George, he said, "Get dressed, George, we have to leave."

"Where are we going?" George asked, hopping up from the couch, immediately regretting his decision when his side flashed with pain. He gasped, holding his side for a moment before straightening a bit slower this time.

Dream immediately rushed to his side, helping him to the back as he said, "We're going to the palace. King Schlatt wants to talk to us about something."

"What? But why do I need to get ready? Surely only you were invited?" George said, following Dream into their shared bedroom. Heading over to his dresser to pick out a suitable outfit for the journey,

"The king has requested your presence, George," Dream said, pulling on a fresh shirt.

George spun around in surprise, saying, "What?! Why would the king want to see me? I'm a normie. I'm not special like you."

Dream spun around immediately, going over to George and gently hugging him, careful of his injury as he said, "Don't say that, Georgie, you're the most special person that ever lived." pressing a kiss to the top of his head.

"Thanks, Dream, but seriously what could the king want from me?" Then he gasped, pulling away from Dream, saying, "You don't think it's about this morning, do you? oh no, what if it is?!"

"George! Calm down. I'm sure it's nothing like that." Dream said, pulling him back into a hug, rubbing calming circles into his back. Once George was calm again, the two separated, getting ready to go to the palace, with Dream helping George change his shirt since he was in too much pain to do it by himself. As they were about to leave, Dream stopped saying, "We need to visit Bad before we go to the palace so he can heal your side." George nodded, following Dream outside where the guard was waiting, leaning against the side of the house. Dream led the way to Bad's house after explaining the situation to the captain, who reluctantly agreed to go.

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