Chapter 12

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TW: Talk of rape (there's no actual rape. It just mentions the subject) (you can't skip it as it's an essential part of the rest of the story, I assure you, though, that there will be no actual rape in this story) and panic attack. Please stop reading my book if any of the above triggers you. be safe, please.

George woke up to a bright light shining directly into his eyes. He immediately shut his eyes tightly against the light before gingerly opening his eyes again, blinking to adjust to the light. Once his eyes adjusted, George realized he was lying in a large soft bed with heavy red blankets on top of him. He threw the blankets off himself; looking around the room, he spotted a large window on the opposite side of the room. His eyes widened in surprise as he quickly tried to go over to the window, hoping for some escape. However, he could only go a few feet before he was yanked backward by the chain on his wrist, causing him to fall over. He groaned, standing back up before glaring at the chain and pulling on it aggressively to free himself, but he only succeeded in bruising his wrist. He looked around the room, trying to find something that might help him get out of here, wherever here was.

Suddenly there was a loud knocking on the door. He yelped in surprise as the door slammed open, revealing Sapnap, who was smirking though he didn't say anything, standing to the side, showing the king. The king smiled, saying, "Ah! you're awake, finally," George glared at the king as he came closer, seated himself on the edge of the bed, and said, "So how do you like your new room?" 

"Why am I here? Why aren't I in the dungeon?" George asked, ignoring the king's question, staying as far away from the king as possible.

"Would you rather be in the dungeon?" The King asked, raising an eyebrow.

"No! but it doesn't make sense. Why am I here? What do you want from me?"

"Well, Georgie, I couldn't very well let a rare specimen such as yourself rot away in my dungeon-"

"You seemed just fine letting me rot away down there earlier," George said, cutting the king off, crossing his arms as he leaned against the nearest wall.

The king's eye twitched in anger as he spoke through gritted teeth, "Well, that was before when mister Sapnap over there," And he gestured to Sapnap, "Requested a bit of revenge, but now that he's had his revenge, we can treat you with a bit more refinement. after all you-

"But why? why me? You didn't kidnap me to get at Techno? Did you?"

The king grabbed George by the throat, saying, "I swear if you don't stop interrupting me, you useless normie, I will throw you in the fucking torture machine myself! Am I clear?"

George nodded quickly as the king shoved him backward into the wall, where he sat coughing and rubbing his sore throat. 

"Now, as I was trying to tell you," The king started sitting back down on the bed, "since you are the last remaining normie in the entire kingdom, and yes, we have checked, I've decided that you're far too valuable to allow to roam around. especially since once we find a suitable female, you're going to help us repopulate the normies in my kingdom." The king finished smirking down at George.

George's face paled as he struggled against the chain, saying, "Fuck no! I'm not having sex with anyone!"

"You don't have a choice in the matter, Georgie," the king said, grabbing George's chin and forcing him to look at him as he said, "You're the last male normie in the entire kingdom. You will help with repopulation whether you like it or not!" The king said, throwing him to the floor in anger. The king calmed himself then knelt, lifting George's head gently, so he was looking at him. The sudden mood change scared George so bad he started shaking. "Don't worry about your little lover, boy. He'll be gone soon."

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