Chapter 8

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Dream walked out of the palace gates ahead of the other two, his quick long strides making it obvious he was pissed; the minute they were far enough away, Dream turned to the other two saying, "THIS IS BULLSHIT!" startling the other two who jumped at his yell "THAT BASTARD! SCHLATT THINKS HE CAN DO WHATEVER THE FUCK HE WANTS JUST BECAUSE HE'S KING!"

"Dream-" Wilbur tried to speak, but Dream was too pissed to listen to him.

"HE FUCKED UP!" Dream said with a murderous look, "NO ONE TOUCHES WHAT'S MINE. I SWEAR IF HE HURTS HIM I'M GONNA-"

"DREAM!" This time, Wilbur yelled, causing Dream to snap his head in his direction, giving him a death glare. Wilbur ignored the look saying, "Quit yelling. You're drawing attention to us." He was right. Of course, people had begun to stare at the trio. That wasn't why Wilbur had said something since he could care less. It was the look on Skeppy's face. He looked terrified, flinching at nearly every word Dream was saying. Wilbur recognized the look. Anyone who knew Skeppy would see it was the look he gave when reliving his past. He had an abusive boyfriend in the past who would often yell and hit him, which made him jumpy and anxious whenever someone yelled at or around him. Most people who were friends with him knew better than to rage around him. If Dream were in the right headspace, he wouldn't be screaming the way he was, but right now, he was pissed. Dream scoffed, but Wilbur's yell had done its job, and Dream was considerably calmer, stopping himself from yelling anymore as he continued to rant and curse out Schlatt. They continued to make their way to the village where Technoblade had been last. It quickly became dark as they walked until Dream abruptly stopped walking, making Wilbur run into him. "What the hell!" Wilbur yelled,

Dream shushed him before saying, "We need to make camp." he sounded quiet and angry; however, he seemed to have calmed down from his earlier outburst.

"What?" Skeppy said incredulously. "But we've still got an hour of sun left. Surely we can-"

Dream turned to him with a death glare, quietly but firmly, "We. Need. To. Make. Camp," 

Skeppy gulped before nodding, backing away, saying shakily, "R-right. I-i'll go get firewood then." he ran off into the woods before either man could say anything.

"Skeppy, wait-" Wilbur yelled, but it was too late. The young knight had already disappeared into the woods. He turned on Dream, then said, "What the hell is wrong with you?!" Dream glared at him but was otherwise silent, knowing why Wilbur was so mad at him but refusing to acknowledge it. Instead, he started to set up camp, hoping to avoid the shitstorm. However, Wilbur wasn't about to let him off the hook that easily, "Look. I get that you're angry at Schlatt, but that doesn't mean you get to take it out on us!" Dream continued to ignore him, acting as though he didn't care when the reality was Wilbur's words cut deep. He knew he was being an ass, but he didn't know how to stop. Wilbur grabbed him by the shoulders, blocking his movement and making Dream face him as he said, "I know you're worried about George. We're all worried about our loved ones, but anger won't help anyone." 

Dream continued to glare at Wilbur for a few minutes before his face softened. The anger drained from his body as he said defeatedly, "I know, I'm just worried. I've gotten into a bit of trouble this week. I'm afraid they're going to take it out on him." He collapsed onto the ground with his head in his hands. "That and the fact that he's a normie, they're going to fucking kill him, and I can't be there to stop them!"

Wilbur crouched next to Dream, saying, "What did you do?"

"I challenged a powerful knight because he insulted George. He agreed, and it was just supposed to be a small duel with no major injuries. However, I let my emotions take over and ended up fighting dirty, essentially cheating in a duel, so he got pissed at me and demanded a rematch; however, I ignored his request. He threatened vengeance. I caught sight of him in the palace just before we left, and he gave me a knowing smirk, so I know George is going to go through Hell."

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