Chapter 11

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"Keeping the normie, interesting choice." The king said, gesturing for the other prisoners to be released. Karl pulled out a set of keys, unlocking the chains on Tommy and Tubbo and removing the collar around Tubbo's neck. The minute both of them were free. They ran to Wilbur, tackling him to the ground in a hug. Wilbur sat on the floor for a while, holding the twins as they cried into his shoulder. Once they had calmed down a bit, Wilbur stood up, brushing the tears off their faces. He continued to cling to them as they stood at the back of the group, whispering among themselves as Wilbur explained their plan. Secretly handing Tommy a sword and Tubbo a short staff with a yellow stone set at the top, which matched a small yellow stone set in the handle of Tommy's sword, signaling a special bond between them, which allowed them to know the injuries of the other.

 At the same time, Sapnap unlocked George's handcuffs gripping his arm tightly, as he removed Bad's handcuffs and collar. Once he had done so, Bad ran toward Skeppy, jumping on him. Skeppy caught him swinging him around before setting him back down and passionately kissing him, whispering words to him that made Bad blush as he looked away from Skeppy, unable to keep eye contact. Skeppy put a finger under his chin, turning his head so Bad faced him as he captured his lips in a tender kiss. Eventually, they separated though they continued to cling to each other, whispering back and forth as Skeppy explained Bad's going on. Secretly giving him a shortened version of his usual staff which held a blue orb at the top, it's color-matched a small stone set in Skeppy's sword. 

"Aww!" Schlatt said sarcastically. "how touching. It's too bad Dream boy over here is being forced to wait." Dream glared at him as he smirked before turning to Karl, saying, "You bring me Technoblade."

"No," Dream said, pulling away once more. "We trade at the same time."

The king huffed angrily, attempting to keep his temper under control, before pointing to Sapnap, "You then give him his boyfriend and bring me Technoblade quickly." Sapnap rolled his eyes before complying, dragging George over to Dream. However, as soon as he was close enough to attack, Dream released Techno, who immediately pulled out a sword swinging at Sapnap, who drew his blade quickly, blocking the attack and dropping George.

 The minute George was free, Dream grabbed him, pulling him close in a tight hug. George quickly threw his arms around Dream hugging him tightly before the two separated, though only for a moment as Dream quickly pulled George in for a passionate but gentle kiss. For a moment, it felt as though it was just the two of them in the room as they basked in each other's love. However, the king yelled for the other guards to attack, forcing the two of them back to reality as they separated. Dream shoved George behind him as he quickly pulled two swords out, handing one to George, who hesitantly took it, nearly dropping it since it was a lot heavier than he thought it was as the group turned to face the guards. Dream tried to defend George since George had no idea how to do so himself.

Dream was fighting against one guard as another attacked George during the fight, forcing George to defend himself as he blocked the attack. However, the guard was much stronger than George pushing him backward as he desperately tried to keep the guard's sword away from him. The guard smirked, backing him against a wall before flicking his wrist, quickly disarming George and leveling his sword at his throat. George whimpered, pressing himself to the wall as he heard Dream yell out, "GEORGE!" but he was too far away to do anything.

The guard smirked in victory before pulling back the sword to plunge it into George's chest. George closed his eyes, preparing for the blow, but the blow never came. He opened his eyes to see that the guard had disappeared. George looked around before jumping back, letting out a yelp of surprise as the guard fell from the sky in front of him. a green glow surrounded him as he rose back into the air a few feet slamming back down quickly. This happened several times before the guard stopped moving blood flowing from his head. George looked around the room, spotting Wilbur, his eyes glowing green as he took the now dead guard, using his magic to throw the guard across the room into a different guard fighting with Skeppy. Skeppy jumped back in surprise, throwing a quick salute in thanks to Wilbur before taking on another guard. George made a mental note to never get on Wilbur's bad side before looking for Dream, unable to find him in the fray.

During his search, he made eye contact with the king, who stood from his spot on the throne, quickly making his way toward George as he frantically looked for a way out. As he searched the room, the king continued to get closer until he stood directly in front of George. The latter flinched away from the king, pressing himself into the wall as he closed his eyes and turned his head away, afraid of what the king would do to him. The king smirked at his fear before reaching out, grabbing his face harshly, forcing him to look at him as the king said, "Look at me," when George shook his head, it enraged the king, who grabbed his throat, saying "Fucking look at me you good for nothing normie!" George quickly opened his eyes, meeting the king's gaze, which blazed with anger as he spat out, "you thought you could get away, didn't you?"  George felt fear crawl up his back as the king said, "Well, your friends might, but you will not. I'll ensure that personally." George's eyes widened in fear as the king released his throat, pushing him back into the wall.

George hit the wall hard, his eyes locked with the kings, as they heard Dream yell, "NO! I WON'T LEAVE HIM!" drawing both of their attention as Techno hit Dream over the head with the hilt of his sword, knocking him out. Techno then proceeded to carry him out of the throne room as they ran from the mass of guards chasing them, leaving just the king and George alone in the room.

The king smirked at him before hitting him in the back of the head with the hilt of his sword, and George's world faded to black.

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