Arranged marriage to a rich......Jerk?! {32}

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"L-love you? As in the 'more than like' thing?" I asked, starting to panic.

"Yeah...I just wanna ask you that since know, kissed." he said, blushing.

"Um, right. Yup. We sure did." I said, my face flushed red.

"So, do you love me?" he asks.

"Do you?" I asked.

"You answer first." he said.

"No no, after you." I said.

"Lady's first." he said.

"I don't feel comfortable saying it." I said.

"So that means you love me?" he asks.

"I never said that." I replied.

"Oh..." he says, quietly.

"I mean like, I never--ugh, this is so confusing!" I said.

"I'm pressuring you so you don't have to answer. Sorry for asking you this so early and stuff." he said and walked towards the door.

"Wait. Landon." I said, stopping him.

"Yeah?" he asks, turning around.

"Um...I...well...nevermind." I said.

"Um, okay." he said and walks out the door.

Did he really just ask me that?


The next morning, was a dreadful Monday.

Luckily, Amy is leaving today. I am really happy about that. Actually, I think it made my day.

After I finished getting ready for school, I happily but uncomfortably walked downstairs to the kitchen. Landon was in the dining room, eating breakfast. I walked over to the table and grabbed a piece of frenchtoast.

"Hey..." I said, quietly, giving him a small smile.

"Hey." he replies, smiling back.

"Where's Amy?" I asked.

"She's still getting ready." he replies.

"Cool." I said.

"Can I ask you something?" he asks.

"Sure." I said.

"Have you scheduled the date yet with that waiter guy? Um...what's-his-name." he said.

"No, I'm gonna call him tonight and his name's Spencer." I said.

"Right, Spencer." he said.

"Good morning, everyone!" says Amy, cheerfully. She walks over to Landon and wraps her arms around his neck, "Hi, sweetie."

"G'morning." he said, putting his arms around her waist. He looks at me as I tried to not look at them.

Oh Amy. Amy Amy Amy. Thank god she's leaving today.

Landon's POV

I could tell Skye's getting really uncomfortable with this. I don't blame her. We kissed last night, in the rain and right now, Amy and I are holding eachother...That's wierd.

"So, when are you leaving today, Amy?" asks Skye.

Amy lets go of me and replies, "I'm not sure. My parents are going to call me."

"Cool..." says Skye, taking a hash brown from the plate. Man, she does like those.

"So, are you going to drive us to school today, Landon?" asks Amy with a seductive smile.

"Um, yeah." I replied, "We better go now."

"Okay." she says and grabs an apple from the basket in the center of the table.

We all headed to the front door, put on our shoes and walked out.

"That's all you're eating for breakfast?" asks Skye as we got in my car.

"Yeah. I don't like eating oily food like that hash brown you ate." replies Amy.

"Hash browns aren't oily. Well, a little but they're good. Potatoes." says Skye.

"Whatever." says Amy, rolling her eyes.

"Just saying." says Skye as I drove out of the driveway, "I mean, one apple for breakfast really isn't a great breakfa---"

"Hey Landon, are you good at math?" Amy asks me, cutting Skye off.

"Excuse me, I was talking." snaps Skye.

"Well, I didn't hear my name in a sentence so I thought you were talking to yourself." says Amy.

"You know what...I'm not gonna argue with you." says Skye.





Maybe Skye is right. They don't get along well.

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