Arranged marriage to a rich......Jerk?! {21}

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"I HATE MY LIFE!!!!" I screamed, really really loudly. So loud that I could even feel the vibrations on my feet from the carpet.

"Dude?! The hell?!" shouts Landon, barging into my room.

"I had to do it, okay?" I said as I brushed my hair.

"Moody." I heard him mummble.

"Shut up, douche." I said, glaring at him. I grabbed my backpack and walked out of my room.

"Wait, what about your 'looks'?" he said.

"I'm over that. Plan's over, remember?" I said.

"Grumpy little Skye." he mocks.

"Shut up before I slap you across the face with my textbook!" I warned, glaring at him.

"Feisty." he says as he follows me down stairs.

As I walked into the kitchen, grumpily, I walked over to the counter where breakfast was and took a hash brown. Yum.

"I hate my life right now but this is the only thing that actually makes me happy." I said with my mouth full of potato-goodness.

"C'mon, potato girl. We're gonna be late." says Landon.

"Since when did you care about school?" I asked.

"Since now." he said as he walks to the door. I followed him out and got in his car.

I deeply sighed as I buckled my seat belt.

"You know, depression is bad for you." he said as he turns on the engine and then drives out of the driveway.

"I'm not depressed. I'm just...upset. The mini version of depression." I said.

"Relax, we'll find a way." he said.

"Two months is too soon." I said and sighed again.

"Do you think we should suck it up and get married?" he says.

"I-I dunno." I said and laughed nervously, "Hehe, Landon. You retard."

"It was just a question." he said.

"Oh shut up!" I said and looked out the window on the whole ride to school.


"I heard about last night." says Darcy as I got out of the car, "I'm sorry."

"It's fine." I said, "I guess the wedding's in two months. There's nothing to do now."

"Hey, Skye." I heard someone familiar behind me. I turned around and saw Roy.

"Hey...Roy." I said.

He kisses my cheek as I saw Landon, sighed heavily.

"Jealous..." I heard Darcy say with a giggle.

"F you." says Landon and storms off.

"Again, I say Jealous...and rude." she says.

"What's wrong with him?" asks Tanner.

"Who knows." I replied.

We walked into the school, Tanner and I headed to homeroom as Roy did the same.

"You two are getting along." says Tanner.

"Me and Roy? Yeah, we are." I said smiling as we sat in our seats.

"No wonder Darcy's talking about you two, 24/7." he said.

"She is?" I asked, laughing.

"Yup." he said, "Like a motor mouth."

I then stopped laughing and looked at the door.


He walks towards us and sits down in front of me, "Hey."

"Hey." I replied, "Why were you all mad a few minutes ago?"

"It's nothing." he said.

"Doesn't sound nothing to me." I said.

"Just don't want to talk about it." he said.

"Okay." I said and turned to Tanner, "Didya start your Spanish project, yet?"

"Nope. I can't believe Senora Lorenzo would give us a project, this early in the year." he says.

"I know right. I'm going to fail." I said, slouching down.

"Same." he replies as he does the same.

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