Arranged marriage to a rich......Jerk?! {24}

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The next day, I got ready for school, Landon drove me, we did our usual school stuff, and the day ended. Pretty typical. I had to stay after so Roy and I can go to the beach.

As I waited for Roy to meet me at his car, Landon walks towards me.

"He has a pretty cool car." he said, touching the front of the car.

"Don't touch it!" I said.

"Where is he anyway?" he asks.

"I'm not sure. I've been waiting for 30 minutes so far." I said, starting to get worried.

"What if he forgot?" he asks, smirking.

"He wouldn't do that! I'm his girlfriend." I said.

"Just saying." he said, "Well, gotta head home. See ya later." And he walks off to his car.

"Roy...where are you?" I mummbled to myself. I took out my phone and decided to text him. I walked around the parkinglot, as I waited and waited...and waited. An hour already past and Roy haven't came nor texted back.

I sighed and I speed dialed him.

The phone keeps ringing and then, the annoying lady tells me that Roy can't take my call right now. I groaned and waited more. I then decided to take a walk.

As I walked around in the school hallways, I glanced inside rooms that I walked pass.

When I turned to the hallway corner, I heard noises coming from a dark room. Not the kind of "innappropriate" noises, just...some noise.

"Um, hello?" I said, knocking on the wall beside me.

"Uh, Skye?" I heard a familiar voice. Then, I saw a familiar face.

"Roy?!" I shouted.

The scene right in front of me was shirtless Roy with a blonde girl sitting on a desk, in front of him.

"Skye, I--hold on." he says as he puts his shirt back on.

"I can't believe this! I waited outside by your car for nearly one and a half hour and his is what I get?" I said, my eyes, watering. I started to walk away as Roy followed me and grabbed my arm.

"Skye, no, wait." he said.

"No! Leave me alone!" I said, "We're over okay? I can't be your girlfriend anymore."

"Roy, what's wrong?" asks the blonde.

"Nothing's wrong. I'm sorry for interrupting your 'business'." I said and ran out of the school. I walked to the school's greenhouse and I took out my phone and dialed Landon.

"Skye?" answers Landon.

"Landon, please drive me h-home." I said as a few tears fell down my cheeks.

"Are you okay? Wait...are you crying?" he asks.

"Just pick me up...please." I said.

"Okay. Be right there." he said and hangs up. I put my phone away and started to cry harder.


As I saw Landon park his car in front of me, he looks at me, sadly.

"Dude, are you okay?" he asks.

"I'm...I'm fine." I said and got in.

"Your makeup is screwed up."

"I'm fine, okay?" I said.

"You don't sound okay to me." he said as he drives out of the school.

"Wait...Roy forgot about you, didn't he?" he asks a couple minutes later.

"Shut up. He didn't forget. He was shoving his tongue in some other girl's throat instead." I explained.

"Woah, what?" he said, shocked.

"I can't believe this. Roy was the sweetest guy who I've ever met and he went off and cheated on me." I said.

"He was nice." he said, "But I guess he wasn't the one for you."

I nodded as I leaned against the window, "Now I really do hate my life."

When we got home, I immediately walked to my room to wash off my messed up makeup.

"Did you break up with him?" I heard Landon ask.

"Yeah...I did." I said as I dried my face with a towel.

"Sorry about that..." he replied.

"It's not your fault, it's mine. I should've known." I said and sat on my bed.

" you mind if someone comes over tomorrow night?" he asks.

"Who?" I asked.

"You'll see. It's a surprise." he said, smirking.

"Um, okay." I said, suspiciously.

He stares at me for a while and stands up.

"You look wierd without makeup on." he said.

"It's just eyeliner." I said, "It makes my eyes look bigger and better."

"Haha, bigger and better. That's what she said." he said, chuckling.

I threw a pillow at him and shouted, "Landon! That's disgusting!"

Landon just laughs and leaves my room.

"I hate you Landon!" I shouted.

"I hate you too!" he shouts back.

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