Arranged marriage to a rich......Jerk?! {43}

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"Hey, Skye. Guess what I found in the backyard?" says Zane, coming into my room.

"Zane? What are you doi---"

"My madre's not home. She's out doing work." he replies.

"Oh okay, continue." I said.

He gives me a cheesy grin and holds up a jar of worms. He walks towards me as I backed away as far as I could on my bed.

"Get that away from me, Zane!" I shouted.

"Why? They're just worms." he says. He then opens the jar and picks up a worm.

But then, he does something I never thought he would never do.

He flings the worm at me, landing on my open Mythology Binder.

"ZANE!!!" I screamed really loudly.

"What's going on here?" asks Landon, walking into my room. He looks at Zane, me, then the worm and back at me and smirks.

"Landon! Do something!!" I shouted.

Landon takes the jar of worms away from Zane and dumps the worms all over my bed.

"LANDON!!!!" I screamed even louder than ever.

"What? You never said to pick the worm up and put it back in the jar." he says.

I stared at the squirming worms on my bed and swiftly got up. I then, fled from my room.

I ran downstairs and started walking in circles.

"Ohcrap, wormsallovermybed.WhatamIsupposedtodo? Pickitup?NoIcan'tdothat, that'sjustdisgustingandgross!" I said, really fast.

I hesitated for a few seconds and then walked up to my room again. I stared at my bed, where the worms were still there. I looked at Landon who was smirking at me and Zane, playing with the empty, dirty jar.

"I hate you guys so much." I said to them.

"You're welcome." says Landon.

I rolled my eyes at him and suddenly, my phone lets out a small chime. I took out my phone and checked the screen.

"Oh hey, a text!" I said, excited.

"From who?" asks Landon.

"Hahahaha, none of your business." I said.

Spencer - Whats up?

Me - Nothin, u?

Spencer - Same, just bored.

Me - Me 2

Spencer - R u free tonite?

Me - I guess so, yeah :)

Spencer - Cool, wanna hang out?

Me - Sure!

Spencer - Great, i wanna show you somewhere. Is tonite, at 7 okay with u?

Me - Yup!

Spencer - Okay, wanna meet me at Zelo's?

Me - Okay

Spencer - Cool, c ya there?

Me - See ya there!

I smiled to myself and couldn't help but to do some mini jumps.

"A date?" asks Landon.

"Yeah." I said, smiling.

"With who?" asks Zane.

"Spencer." I replied.

"Tonight?" asks Landon.

"Yup." I said, "Wow, you guys ask alot of questions."

"Who's gonna cover for you? I mean, Amy's gone, I'm on a hideaway and...Landon." says Zane.

Zane and I both looked at Landon who was giving us a wierd look, "No."

"Please?" I asked.

"No." he repeats.

"Please, Landon? Pleeeaaassseee?" I pleaded.

"No." he repeats, again.

"Puh-leeeeeese?" I said, this time with puppy eyes. I gave him a kiss on the cheek and then looked back at him.

He looks at me for a while and then says, "Fine."

"Thank you! Just tell your parents, I'm out at Darcy's. Dinnertime." I said, happily.

"Wow, a kiss on the cheek and he says yes. Looks like Landon loves Sky----"

"Dude! Shut up!" Landon interrupts Zane.

"Okay, whatever you say." says Zane with a smirk.

Arranged marriage to a rich......Jerk?!Where stories live. Discover now