Arranged marriage to a rich......Jerk?! {55}

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I just stood there, surprised at what Zane is just doing to me.

He pulled away and I stared at him.

"I had to figure out a way to make you stop worrying and panicking." he said, letting out a slight chuckle.

I slowly touched my lips, still gaping about the kiss.

"So, yeah. I'll go talk to Landon, 'kay?" he says.

"Uhhh...oh, okay." I said.

He smiles and walks into the hospital.

Zane. Landon's brother, Zane.

Kissed me.

Holy shiz.

I walked to the nearby bench and sat down.

Zane's cute and all but I never knew he would go that far!

I sighed and decided to head back into the hospital since it started to rain.

I slowly walked towards Landon's room but stopped in front of the door, scared to go back in.

Suddenly, the door opens, hitting me square in the face.

"Ow..." I muttered, holding onto my nose.

"Oh, my bad, Skye. Sorry."

I looked up and saw Zane, looking at me.

"Yeah, your bad." I said.

"Well, it's your bad too. Don't you see that it's dangerous to stand around in front of the door? Someone could've opened it and hit you in the face like what I just did." he said.

"Shut up..." I said.

I peeked behind Zane and saw Landon in bed, muttering something.

"Landon's in a bad mood right now." Zane replied.

"Did you get him mad?" I asked.

"I guess so. I told him about you but kicked me out right after I said your name." he said.

I looked down, disappointed.

"Don't look at that in a bad way. I mean...he probably missed breakfast, making him mad." he said.

"How can he get mad about breakfast when he just got mad about you saying my name?!" I snapped and walked away.

"Skye!!" I heard Zane call my name as I headed back outside in the pouring rain.

He grabs my arm and I tried to make him let go but I ended up in his arms.

"Ugh, let me go!" I yelled, struggling to break free.

"Skye, just calm down!" he said, "It's not Landon's fault who lost his memory about you." he said.

"I know! Because it's mine! That accident at mischeif night made him lose his memory. If I saw that car coming he wouldn't have been hurt! I should be the one in a hospital bed, losing my mind." I said and broke down crying, after.

He hugged me tighter and tried to shush me but I didn't stop crying.

He made me look into his eyes and he rests his forehead against mine. I managed to stop crying as he puts his arms around my waist.

"I love you, Skye." he said and crashed his lips against mine. I stood there in shock from the kiss. Zane is kissing me...again. I slowly closed my eyes and started to kiss back. I wrapped my arms around his neck as he kissed me more with hunger.

Zane and I kissing in the rain made me remember Landon and my kiss.

It felt amazing. Sparks were flying and there were fireworks exploding.

Landon's kiss made me feel special and amazing.

Compared to Zane's, Zane's kiss made me feel safe and warm. Like he's not going to let me face my bad times alone.

We both pulled away, wet from the rain.

I stood there, amazed from the kiss as Zane just smirked.

"You're a pretty good kisser." he said.

I blushed and said, "I am? I...I mean, yeah."

"Why are you so...nervous? Was that your first kiss?" he asks.

"No! My first kiss was....this guy who...."


That tool who I used to date in freshman year.

"Ugh, nevermind. The guy's not important." I said.

He looked at me and smiled.

"We should go inside before we get sick." I suggested, breaking the awkward silence.

"Yes, mother." he said.

He intertwines his fingers with mine and we walked inside.

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