Arranged marriage to a rich......Jerk?! {19}

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When Landon and I got back home from the mall, I ran upstairs into my room to check out all the stuff that Darcy and I bought. I looked at all the clothes and tried them on. I really do look different. Ah, tomorrow's a brand new day.


The next morning, as soon as I woke up, I changed into my new clothes that I bought yesterday. I put on the dark, depressing but wild make up and got ready. I put on face piercings in my ear and lip to make it look more wild. I then changed my hairstyle and I smiled to myself and then headed downstairs.

I walked into the kitchen and looked around. Mrs. and Mr. Rhodes were talking to eachother as they were having coffee.

"G'morning, lovebirds!" I said really loudly, catching their attention.

"Good morni----" starts Mrs. Rhodes but looks at me shocked as soon as she met my eyes.

"Oh. My. God." they both said at the same time, their jaws dropped.

"Like it? I thought that I should change my style for a while. And it feels great!" I said in a punkish, voice.

"Oh my. Skye, are you feeling alright?" asks Mrs. Rhodes.

"No. I feel awesome and epic!" I said and walked to the fridge. I took a carton of milk and chugged it. I finished the milk half way and put it back in the fridge.

"Ahh, that's a nice drink in the morning, dontcha think?" I said, closing the fridge.

"Skye, you should change back into your normal clothes." says Mr. Rhodes.

"Nah, I'm good!" I said and walked around the kitchen, tasting food.

"Good morning." I heard Landon as he walked into the kitchen.

"Hey what's for brea---" he then stops and looks at me wide eyed, "Skye?!"

"Hey hey hey, 'sup?" I said, cheerfully.

"Landon, did you have something to do with this?" asks Mrs. Rhodes.

"No, not at all." he replies, "Wow..."

"Hey Rhodes, we better go to school." I said as I grabbed Landon's arm and walked outside.

"But I didn't have....oh forget it." he said as we got in his car.

"Did you see their face?!" I said, starting to crack up.

"Yeah!" he said and looks at me, "Wow. I never knew you would look like 'this'."

"Thank you." I said as he turns on the engines. I jumped into the backseat and took out a sweatshirt and wet tissue wipes from my backpack.

"Aren't you going to school like this?" he asks.

"Hell no. Why would I go to school like this? Everybody will stare at me and make fun of me." I said as I took my face piercings off and wiped my make up off.

"But that'll be funny." he said.

"That's what you think." I said and put on my sweatshirt.


Fast forward ->->->

Well, it was a typical normal school day and it was time to go home. As I waited for Landon at the parking lot, I saw Roy walking towards me.

"Hey Roy!" I called out.

"Hey." he said and kisses my cheek.

"Do you mind if you do something for me?" I asked him.

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