Arranged marriage to a rich......Jerk?! {56}

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"Are you ready, Skye?"

I looked up at my dad and smiled, "Yes, I am."

We linked arms and the double doors finally open, revealing the aisle.

We both walked down the aisle slowly as our guests gave us proud smiles.

When we reached the end, I let go of my dad's arm and headed my way towards my future husband.

I looked up in his eyes and smiled.


My one true love.

As the officiant starts speaking, I gazed into Landon's eyes, still smiling.

He smiled back and held my hand tighter.

When the vows finally came, we both said them and it was time for the kiss.

Landon lifts my veil and when he was about to kiss me, his face suddenly changes to...


He presses his lips against mine and when I was about to give in and kiss back---


We pulled away and looked in the audience.

Someone steps out into the aisle.

"Landon?!" I shouted.

"How could you, Skye? Why would you go off and marry my brother?! I thought you loved me!" Landon shouts at me.

"I do love you. Landon---"

"Just don't talk to me anymore. Just go off and marry Zane." he says and walked out the double doors.

"Wait! Landon!" I said and as I was about to chase after him, Zane grabs my arm.

"Skye, what are you doing?" he asks me.

"What do you think I'm doing?" I said, "I need to go after Landon!"

I managed to get out of his grasp and ran down the aisle and out the double doors.

Suddenly, as soon I ran out the doors, I wasn't in front of the chapel anymore.

It was a graveyard.

I looked around and something caught my eye.

I stood in front of a grave with engravings that says:

Landon Greyson Rhodes

1993 ~ 2011

I stared in horror and sat down in front of it.

"Landon...he's not dead. He's not dead." I said to myself.

I felt a tear roll down my cheek and leaned on the grave.

"This is just a dream. Just a dream...just a dream...just a dream..."





I opened my eyes from someone, shaking me.

"Landon?" I said.

I sat up and saw Zane.

"Nope, it's me." he said.

I looked around.

I was in my room.

I sighed in relief, "Oh my god, thank god."

"Nightmare?" he asked.

"How did you know?" I asked.

"Well, you were talking in your sleep. 'Landon', 'Just a dream' and 'He's not dead'." he said, saying the words with emotion, "You know, when you were saying 'Landon' over and over again, I thought you were having a sex dream about him.".

"Yeah, nightmare." I said, glaring him and punching him on the shoulder.

My dream....or should I say, my nightmare, was awful. Why would I dream of getting married to Zane and seeing a gravestone of Landon's name on it?!

Dreams sometimes tell the future but I'm pretty sure that dream won't come true.

It just can't. I can't lose Landon.

Maybe that kiss Zane and I shared yesterday made me dream that nightmare.

Ugh, what's wrong with me?!

"You okay?" he asks me, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Yeah." I lied. I got out of bed and stretched my arms out, "I need breakfast."

"You're lucky. I bought Dunkin' Donuts." he said, walking towards me.

I gasped and smiled, "Boston Kreme Donuts?"

"Yup." he replied, smiling back.

"Jelly Donuts?"


"Chocolate Glazed?"


"Pumpkin Glazed?"


"You suck."

He gives me a wierd look, "What? At least I bought you Jelly, Chocolate and Boston Kreme."

"It's not the same without Pumpkin!" I said with a fake whine.

"You can be such a baby." he said.

"I'd rather be called a 3 year old instead of a baby." I said.

"Okay..." he said, smirking.

Suddenly, he picks me up and puts me on his shoulder.

"Zane!!" I screamed, hitting his back, "Put me down!!"

"You said you were a 3 year old." he said as he walked down the stairs.

"Holy shi---don't you dare drop me!!" I shouted.

"Geez, calm down." he said. He leaned backwards a little, causing me to grab onto his tshirt, trying to save myself.

"Zane!!!" I screamed, "What the hell?!"

"Oops, my bad." he said with a chuckle.

To be honest, I think Zane is worse than Landon.

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