Arranged marriage to a rich......Jerk?! {31}

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"Hey, there you are." I heard Landon's voice. He walked in the living room where I was laying down on the couch. I hate my life. Hate it. Sooooo freaking much.

"I feel like Harry Potter who just found out that Voldemort killed his parents." I said, avoiding eye contact.

"Dude, something's wrong with you." he says, sitting next to me.

"Your girlfriend probably wants to kill me." I said.

"Amy?" he asks.

"Yup. She was the one who killed my dog in the 7th grade." I said.

"Amy would never do that. Didn't she just say that you two were like great friends when you were little?" he says.

"The only great friend I have is Darcy. My only best friend who I trust." I said, "Amy is full of hatred, jealousy and lies." I said, sitting up, "You probably don't believe me anyway. You would understand if you heard our conversation 15 minutes ago."

He looks at me in my eyes and starts leaning in. He rests his forehead against mine and closes his eyes.

"Landon?" I asked.

"Hold on..." he says as his lips were a couple of millimeters away from mine.

"Skye? Are you alright?" I heard Amy behind us. We both turned around and saw the evil whore, looking at us, curiously. Landon pulls his forehead away and stands up.

"Oh yeah, I'm fine. I don't feel angry or depressed at all." I said, sarcastically. I stood up and headed towards the front door.

"Where are you going?" asks Landon.

"I'm going for a walk." I said, "I need some time alone."

"It's pouring outside though." he says.

"I'll be fine, okay?" I said and walked out the door.


Walking in the freezing cold rain.

It feels way better out here than in the house, with Amy.

Why can't she leave me alone, already? Ugh, I feel like I'm bullied...well, I probably am right now.


Who knows how long I've been walking around town like this.

As I walked in the pouring rain, my eyes caught on something. It was Landon who was bending down, on the edge of the street, was holding an umbrella over a puppy by his side. I walked over to him and smiled, "Whatcha doin'?".

"Hey Skye. I found this little guy wondering around on the sidewalk. He has no nametag or collar so I'm guessing he's stray." he said.

"You're wet." I said.

"Yeah. So are you." he said.

"I know." I replied.

"So, what are you doing?" he asks me.

"Just having a walk." I said, "What are you doing?"

"I was looking for you." he replies.

"Really?" I asked.

"Yeah. You ran off without an umbrella in the pouring rain." he said.

"Um...thanks, I guess." I said, slightly blushing.

"No prob." he says. He looks at me and hands me a spare umbrella.

"Thanks." I said as I opened it.

"So, wanna head home since I found ya?" he asks.

"I'm not sure..." I said, looking down.

"I bet you're still stressing about something." he said.

"I am." I said and took a deep breath, "I'm just frustrated and confused about so many things."

"Like what?" he asks.

"Mostly about my life...or love life.." I said, softly, "I keep on choosing the wrong person for me. I just can't find 'the one'. First Ricky, then Roy. I'm screwed up. You're lucky you don't have to struggle these kinda stuff. You're with Amy."

"Speaking of her, are you jealous of Amy?" he asks as he pet the puppy.

"What? N-no! I'm not..." I said.

"Jealous!" he says, chuckling.

"Oh shut up!" I said.

"And you'll find the one soon." he says.

"Really? Wait, but I don't know who that person is." I said.

"It could be someone who you've known for so long. Someone you hate. Someone who you're friends with." he said.

Someone I hate...?

I stood up and looked around.

"We should go back home." I said.

"Okay. Hope mom and dad wouldn't mind if I bring this guy home with us." he said, still stroking the puppy's fur.

"Landon?" I said.

"Yeah?" he said as he stood up and placed the umbrella over the puppy.

"Do you like me?" I asked.

"Me? Like you? Um......I dunno. Do I?" he said.

"I just wanna ask you because, what if I might be falling for you?" I asked.

" Do you like me?" he asks.

"I'm not sure." I replied.

"Wanna find out?" he said, smirking.

"How?" I asked as he started to lean in.

"I don't know..." he answers.

"Are we going to kiss?" I asked as I felt his nose on mine.

"I might." he replied.

"Landon, just---just kiss me!" I said.

Landon didn't skip a beat; he crashed his lips into mine. Compared to the kisses me and Roy had, this kiss was deeper and it had much more meaning. Landon wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer. He kissed me with hunger and passion and there was fire and sparks.

I wrapped my arms around his neck. I ran my fingers through his wet hair. I smiled and deepened the kiss a little more.

Landon pulled away. He rested his forehead against mine.

"This feels so wrong..." I started.

"But it feels so right." he added.

"Um...we should--we should head back." I said, snapping out of it.

"Yeah. Hold on." he said. He crouches down to the puppy, picks it up and the umbrella.

"Ok, let's go." he said as he starts walking. I smiled and followed behind him.


When we got home, we walked in the house and I immediately headed up to my room.

"Skye, you're all wet. Are you okay?" asks Amy, walking up to me.

"I'm fine. Just tripped in a giant puddle." I lied, "I'm gonna go change."

I walked in my room and changed, fast. I then opened my laptop, seeing if someone's on Facebook. Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. The door opens revealing Landon in new clothes.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"I just wanna ask you something..." he starts.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Do you love me?"

Oh snap.

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