Arranged marriage to a rich......Jerk?! {10}

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When we got to the resteraunt, Roy parks in the front, gets out of his car and opens the door for me.

"Thanks." I said, smiling as I got out.

We walked inside and a waitress walks towards us.

"I made reservations earlier. Myers." he said to the waitress. The waitress nodds and lead to us to a candelit table. We both sat down as she gave us the menus.

"Would you like anything to drink?" she said, taking out a pen and an order pad.

"Root beer." we both say. I glanced at Roy as he gave me a small smile.

"Alright. I'll be right back with your drinks." she said and walks away.

"You like root beer?" he asks me.

"Yeah. That was pretty wierd." I said, blushing.

"I never knew girls like root beer." he said.

"Some girls do. Like tomboys." I replied.

We were quiet for a while until I brought up something, "Um, do you wanna continue the 20 questions thing?".

"Sure. Who's turn was it?" he asks.

"I think it was my turn," I said, "Let's see...if you were stranded at an island and can only have one thing, what would it be?"

"A boat." he said.

"Oh my gawd, I've never thought about that!" I said, giggling.

"Okay, my turn now. Have you ever had a boyfriend before?" he asks.

"Yeah. 2 years ago, I did. His name was Ricky and he was my crush ever since 7th grade. When we went out, he was really sweet at first but turned out to be a nightmare. He was treating me like crap." I said.

"Wow. I'm sorry about that." he said.

"Don't be." I said, "My turn, have you ever had a girlfriend before?"

"Yup. My answer's like yours. Her name was Ella. She was treating me like a servant, always telling me what to do. I like buying girls stuff but not like alot. She always wanted me to buy her expensive stuff. I remember, she forced me to go into Victoria Secret at the mall. Worst 30 minutes of my life." he said.

I laughed and smiled, "Victoria Secret?"

"Yeah. Do you like that place?" he asks me.

"Honestly, I don't. It's too pink in there and I feel like a whore every time I go in there too. I prefer Hollister or American Eagle." I said.

"Haha. You're pretty cool, Skye." he replies and chuckles.

So we continued our 20 questions and finished when our drinks came. I glanced at the menu and ordered our meal. When the waitress left, I had the feeling that I had to do pee.

"Is it okay if I go to the bathroom?" I asked Roy who was taking a sip of root beer.

"Sure." he said, smiling.

I got out of my seat and walked into the ladies' restroom.

After I did 'what I was suppose to do', I walked over to the mirror and washed my hand. I then looked myself in the mirror. All I could do was to smile. This date is going really well so far. But suddenly, Landon pops up in my head.

"Oh my gawd, get out of my head!" I shouted. I then realized what I was doing and looked around. An old lady and the waitress for my table stared at me like I was some kind of freak.

Arranged marriage to a rich......Jerk?!Where stories live. Discover now