Arranged marriage to a rich......Jerk?! {18}

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When I or Landon and I got back home from school, I immediately got a call from Darcy as we walked through the front door.

"Yellow?" I answered.

"Hey Skye!" replies Darcy, cheerfully.

"Hey, what's up?" I said.

"Nothin' much, you?" she asks.

"Same." I said.

"Hey are you doing something right now?" she asks.

"Other than putting my backpack down, no." I said.

"Do you wanna go to the mall with me?" she said. Mall, Plan A.

"Sure!" I said, "Oh wait. I need to ask. Urgh."

"Oh okay. I'm crossing my fingers!" she said.

"Be right back, Darc." I said and put the phone away from my ear.

"Hey Landon, where's your parents?" I asked Landon who was already in front of the TV, watching something.

"I dunno. My mom might be in her office." he said, changing the channel.

"Which is where?" I asked.

"Upstairs, to right hallway and the first door on the left." he said.

"Kay, thanks." I said and walked up the stairs. I managed my way to Mrs. Rhodes' office and knocked on the door which was open.

"Yes?" she said and turns around, "Hello, Skye. Do you need something?"

"Yeah. May I go to the mall with my friend, Darcy? She just invited me and I just wanna ask you first." I said as politely as I could.

"Of course. As long as Landon can come with you two." she said.

"Lan--what? He needs to come with me?" I asked her.

"Yes." she said and turns back to her laptop.

"Oh...okay." I said, "Thank you."

I walked away, walked back downstairs into the livingroom, and decided to slap Landon on the back of his head.

I whipped my hand against Landon's head as he jumps in surprise and looks at me.

"Ow! What the hell was that for?!" he shouts, rubbing the back of his head with his hand.

"Because you need to come with me and Darcy to the mall." I said, calmly.

"Why?" he asks.

"'Cause your mom said so!" I said and groaned.

"That is stupid. I'm not going to the mall." he said and turns back to the TV. I sighed and sat next to him.

"Please? This is Operation A: Change." I said.

"I thought it was Plan A." he said.

"Oh same thing!" I said, "Please? Please with fudge on top and hershey kisses?"

"Fine." he said, "But only if you and Darcy don't go to Victoria Secret."

"Okay, if she doesn't force us to. I hate Victoria Secret anyway." I said. I picked up my phone and answered, "Darcy, you there?"

"Yeah, I'm here. What took you so long?" she said.

"I had to ask Landon's mom and talk to Landon about coming with us." I said.

"Wait! He has to come with us?!" she shouts.

"Sadly, yes. If we don't, his mom won't let us go." I said.

Arranged marriage to a rich......Jerk?!Where stories live. Discover now