Arranged marriage to a rich......Jerk?! {48}

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"Who's ready to TP people's houses? Huh?" asks Zane, coming into the living room with toilet paper rolls.

Landon glances at the clock and says, "It's still 7. And it's not even dark out yet."

"Well...who wants to help me get ready?" asks Zane.

Landon looks at me as I looked back, then we both replied, "Nah."

"C'mon? Why?" asks Zane.

"Too lazy." I said.

"Same." agrees Landon.

"Two lazy asses on a couch." says Zane and sits in between me and Landon. He puts his arm around my shoulder and pulls me closer to him. I looked at him, wierdly and softly sighed. I quickly glanced at Landon who was not dealing with this very well. I pushed Zane's arm off of my shoulder and scooched away from him.

"You okay, Skye?" he asks me.

"Yeah..." I said, quietly and stood up, "I'm gonna go do my homework..."

"Didn't you just do it, an hour ago?" asks Landon.

"I forgot that I had another one." I said and headed towards the stairs.

As I climbed the first couple of steps, Landon catches up to me and asks, "Are you okay? You're acting wierd. Well, you're always wierd but different wierd."

"I'm fine." I said with a straight face.

I headed towards my room and then stopped in front, "I'm fine, okay?"

"Is Zane making you feel awkward...uncomfortable?" he asks me.

"No. It's just...nevermind." I said.

He looks into my eyes and takes my hand. He pulls me close to him and suddenly, kisses me. He quickly pulls away and gives me a small smile. He walks away and heads back downstairs, leaving me blushing bright red than ever before.


"Yo, heads up!" shouts Zane and tosses me a flashlight.

I caught it and looked at him as he came into my room, "Is it Mischeif time?"

"Yup. Dress in all black so that the police won't see you." he says.

"Wait, what about you? Since polices are out patroling the streets, they're gonna catch you and send you to jail." I said, worried.

"That's why I'm wearing all black, a wig, and a mustache." he replies.

"A mustache? Isn't that too cliche?" I asked.

He pulls out a black mustache from his pocket and puts it on. I looked at him and said, "You look like a pedophile."

"I'm going to rape you." he says in a more deeper, stern voice.

"If you're serious, it's a punch in the face." I said, seriously.

He takes it off and smiles, "'Stache on or off?"

"I dunno, your choice." I said, shrugging.

He thinks for a while and then makes his choice, "On."

He puts it back on and combs it with a comb that he got from his pocket.

"You're so wierd." I said.

"Thank you." he says, putting his comb away.

"Hey, I'm ready." says Landon, coming into my room, wearing all black. He looks at me and says, "Are you coming too?"

"Yeah, I'll go change right now." I said and got up from my bed. I grabbed a black and red tshirt and ripped jeans. I looked at Landon and Zane who was just looking back at me.

" you mind? Some privacy?" I asked them.

"Don't mind at all." says Zane, smirking.

"Zane! Landon! You pervs! I can't just strip in front of you guys." I said.

"I don't mind at all." agrees Landon.

I snatched a pillow from my bed and chucked it at both of them.

"Hey, there's a bathroom!" says Landon.

"I hate changing in the bathroom. It's wierd..." I whined.

Zane sighs and heads out of my room as Landon followed. I closed my door and started taking off my clothes and putting the new ones on. I got ready, grabbed the flashlight that Zane gave me and headed downstairs where Zane and Landon were waiting.

"Ready to go?" says Zane.

"Yuppers." I said, smiling.

We all walked out the front door and onto the driveway. We turned on our flashlights and flashed it around.

"So, who wants to be in charge of the toilet paper?" asks Zane, holding up a Stop N Shop bag full of toilet paper rolls.

"I will." says Landon and takes the bag.

"Skye, wanna do the white out balloon?" asks Zane.

"White out balloon?" I asked.

"Yeah, a balloon filled with white out. You throw it at something and then SPLAT! White out explodes and spills all over the place." he says.

He gives me a bucket full of the balloons and I stared into it.

"We're gonna get in so much trouble when we get caught." I said.

"We won't." he says.

"Goody two shoes." I heard Landon mummble.

"Shut up." I snapped at him.

"And I will do the flour." says Zane.

"What are you going to do with that?" I asked.

"I'm going to pour flour all over people's cars." he says.

"You're such an ass." I said.

"It's fun." he says with a cocky smile.

"You look like a pedophile with that mustache." says Landon.

I grinned at Zane as he pauses.

"Toldya." I said.

"Talk to the 'stache! Not me! The 'stache!" he says.

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