Arranged marriage to a rich......Jerk?! {63}

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  • Dedicated to All of my fans who have supported me for this story

    The day have finally come.
    The wedding.
    The day when Landon and I will get married.
    Everything was pretty much busy in the morning to get ready for the big moment.
    We checked the Chapel, the Reception, everything.
    Mr. and Mrs. Rhodes, my dad and Layla were running all over the place, making sure everything was perfect. Landon and I were pretty busy also but we got to stand there as our parents took care of everything.
    As Layla and Darcy gushed about how gorgeous I looked in the wedding dress, in my room, I thought about what Zane have said to me last night during dinner.
    I like Zane.
    But not love him as much as I love Landon.
    I used to fall for Zane but I know it's wrong. I truly belong with Landon.
    Landon and I have been through so much. First started the fights and bickering, then we soon started to open up to each other and now this. Happily in love, ready to get married.
    "Skye! Earth to Skye!" Darcy said in my ear, making me snap out of my train of thoughts.
    "Yeah?" I replied.
    "Guess what?" she asks, getting excited.
    "Hm?" I said.
    "I made a new nickname for you two!" she said.
    "What is it?" I asked.
    "Skandon." she replied, smiling.
    "What....?" I said, surprised.
    "Skandon. Ya know, Skye plus Landon equals Skandon. Get it?" she says.
    "Sounds...scandalous." I said.
    "I know but that's all I got. There's Landye but I don't like it." she said.
    "Skandon it is!" I said, cheerfully.
    "Yay!" she said.
    "I like it. Even though it does sound 'scandalous'." Layla says.
    As Darcy, Layla and I talked some more, Mrs. Rhodes came in.
    "All right, Skye. Ready to get dressed in your wedding gown?" she says.
    "I guess." I said as I thought, Ugh, dresses.
    So with that, I got in my wedding dress, put on my heels and gloves. Then, my hair dresser comes in, fixing up my hair for the veil.
    When that was done, she puts on my veil and I was ready to go.
    "Holy crap. I'm getting married." I said, "At age 18."
    "Nervous? Excited?" Layla asks me.
    "Both." I replied.
    "Awww, Skye's nervous." Darcy said.
    "Oh shut up, Darcy." I said.
    "All right, girls. We need to go. As for Skye, my other limo is going to pick you up soon after we leave." says Mrs. Rhodes.
    As she, Darcy and Layla left my room, I looked myself in the mirror.
    I see a bride, ready to get married to her enemy. Or used to be enemy.
    "Knock, knock."
    I turned to the door and saw...
    "What th---Zane? What are you doing here?" I asked, surprised.
    "Just wanted to say hey to the most beautiful person I know." he says as he walked in and closed the door.
    I lightly blushed and tried to hide it, "Thanks, Zane."
    "Today's the day." he says, sitting down on a chair next to me.
    "I know. I'm so excited but so nervous." I said.
    He just nodds and stares at me, smiling.
    "What?" I asked.
    "Nothing. It's just look amazing." he says.
    "Thanks." I said.
    "Skye." he says.
    "Yeah?" I replied.
    "I have a confession to make." he says.
    "Okay...what is it?" I asked.
    "The truth is that...I know you're really happy with Landon and I used to be so mad at that. I wanted to be with you but now, you're happy. You love my brother and you're going to marry him soon." he says.
    "Go on." I said.
    "I love you, Skye." he says, "I really do."
    " I said last night. I really do appreciate for you saying that but I can't acce---"
    "I know. I know what you're going to say. And I agree. I can't be with you because you belong with him. And I understand." he says.
    " do?" I said.
    "Yeah. I'll still love you but I won't get in you and Landon's way." he says, "I promise."
    "Thanks, Zane." I said and gave him a hug.
    "Miss Harris. Your ride is here." says someone at the door.
    "Oh okay. Thank you. I'll be right there!" I called out.
    I turned to Zane and smiled, "I gotta go."
    "Okay...bye, Skye." he says.
    "Bye." I said, smiling.
    With that, I opened the door and walked out.
    I slowly walked down the staircase and then out the front door. The chauffeur of the limo helps me into the limo and closes the door.
    And we headed to the chapel.


    When we got the chapel, I spotted my dad, waiting for me. I got out and linked arms with him.
    "My little girl is all grown up." he says. I can tell he's about to cry any minute because his voice was starting to crack.
    "Aww, daddy. Don't worry, I'll always be your little girl." I said, resting my head on his shoulder.
    "I'm so proud of you, Skye." he says.
    "Thanks, dad." I said, smiling.
    Suddenly, the double doors opened, revealing our guests, standing up. Dad and I slowly walked in as the people whispered to each other how gorgeous I looked.
    My eyes focused on Landon who was smiling at me. Seeing him smile made me want to cry so badly. I tried to hold in my tears but eventually, they fell out.
    As we reached Landon, I let go of dad's arm and took Landon's.
    "You look amazing." I heard Landon whisper.
    "You do too." I whispered back.
    We walked towards where the officiant was and stood in front of each other, gazing into each other's eyes.
    This is the moment, I've been waiting for.
    This is it.
    The moment where we can show the world how much we love each other.
    And nothing can stop us.
    "Dear family and friends, we have gathered here today......"


    Oh my mother fudgin' god.
    It's done!
    It's over!
    *dances happily all around my room*
    63 is such a bad chapter number to end this story.
    I mean, it's an odd number and it really bothers me -_-'
    Anyway, I'll be posting up an Epilogue soon :) And I promise it won't take so long like it did to this chapter.
    Before I finish this author's note, I'd like to thank EVERY SINGLE ONE OF MY FANS out there who have supported me throughout this story. Really, I love you guys <3
    I had fun writing this story so much!
    Oh and by the way, there won't be a sequel. The thing is, I'm terrible at sequels. I mean, when I write them, I kill the previous story. Literally KILL the previous story.
    I might make another "arranged marriage" story but it's up to you if you want it. I don't have it planned out but if you guys want another one, I'll be happy to make one :)
    So yeah, thanks guys :D
    (Be sure to check out my other story, With A Hint Of Sweetness!)

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