Arranged marriage to a rich......Jerk?! {8}

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The next day, it was Saturday. Last night, Roy called me and planned for our date on Sunday. I'm so excited, we're gonna have a great time!

As I listened to some music on my iPod, I heard the doorbell and walked outside of my room. I got to my front door and opened it.

"Hey soon-to-be my wife. " says Landon, walking in.

"Yeah, c'mon in." I said, sarcastically.

"Oh Landon. What brings you here?" says Layla, walking towards me as I closed the door.

"Hey, Mrs. Harris. I just wanna drop by and say hi to my future wife." he said.

"Yeah right." I said, rolling my eyes.

"I just got out muffins out of the oven. Would you like to join us and have a snack?" she asks Landon.

"No he wouldn't." I said.

"Sure, why not." he said, smirking at me. That evil little...ugh!

"Okay. Why don't you two talk in the living room as I get the snacks ready." says Layla and walks into the kitchen.

"Ugh, why are you here?" I asked.

"I wanted to say hi to you." he said, sitting down on the sofa.

"Why would you wanna say hi to me?" I said.

"Nevermind." he said.

Suddenly, my phone beeped. I took it out of my sweatshirt pocket and looked at it. It's a text from Roy!

Roy - Hey, Skye. Wats up?

Me - Nothing. U?

Roy - Same. So, excited 4 2moro?

Me - U bet I am

Roy - lol me 2

"Who're you texting?" asks Landon, peeking over my shoulder.

"None of your business." I said.

Roy - Do u wanna play 20 questions? Im bored and I wanna know more about u.

Me - Sure. U wanna start?

Roy - Ok. Whats ur fav color?

Me - Turquoise and purple

Roy - Cool. Mines black and blue. Im not emo btw

Me - Ok my turn. What's your ideal type of girl?

Roy - Someone's who's smart--not too smart--, funny, a little bit athletic and down to earth. What's your ideal type of guy?

Me - For me, someone's who's funny, a bit of a badboy, smart as in average, and caring.

"You like guys who are badboys?" says Landon and chuckles.

"Not a complete badboy. Just a dangerous side. Like he's a badboy on the outside but sweet and innocent in the inside." I replied, "Now, stop spying."

"The muffins are here." says Layla, coming in the living room with a plate full of pumpkin muffins.

"Thanks, Mrs. Harris." he says, taking one muffin as she places them on the table.

"You're welcome, Landon. Skye, it's not polite to text when you're future husband is here." she says.

"Fine." I said.

Me - Is it ok if we continue this on Sunday? My step mom wants me get off the phone.

Roy - Sure. I'll see u 2moro!

Me - Bye

I placed my phone on the table and looked at Layla, "Okay. I'm done. Happy?"

"Much better." she said, "Oh right. Skye, Landon. I have some news for you two."

"What?" he asks.

"Well, your parents, Skye's father and I decided when the wedding's gonna be." she said, happily. Oh gawd no.

"When is the big ceremony?" I said.

"March 3rd!" she said, smiling really wide.

"March...3rd?" I said.

"Yes. It's a perfect time. 5 months of planning which is plenty of time to set things up and it's near your birthday Skye." she said as she sits next to me.

"Oh my gawd." I said, sadly.

"Isn't that a Saturday?" asks Landon.

"Yes and you two could have your honey moon on Sunday." she said.

"Woah woah woah. A honey moon?" I asked. I glanced at Landon who was looking right back at me and then looked at Layla, "Ew...A honey moon."

"We're not ready to have kids yet, Mrs. Harris! We're not even in college, we're still high schoolers!" he said.

"I know. I'm not trying to pressure you two. I'm just excited that you two are going to get married." she said. I think I'm gonna puke.

"Yeah, real excited." I said, sarcastically.

"Oh and Skye. You have to move in with Landon." she said. ......Wait, what?!

"I have to what?!" I shouted.

"You have to move in with me? At my house since you're gonna be my wife?!" shouts Landon, "Are you serious?!"

"I'm very serious. Skye, your father is coming home early and we will be discussing about this." she says.

"When am I going to move in?" I asked.

"Next monday. Be sure to be packed by Sunday." she replied.

"Noooo. Whyyy?" I whined.

"Because it's natural for you to move in with them." she said as she stood up. She leaves the room, leaving me and Landon with a blank expression. Gawd, kill me now!!!

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