Arranged marriage to a rich......Jerk?! {30}

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Skye's POV

I walked into my room, sat on my bed, grabbed a pillow and I screamed in it.

I can't stand her.

What is she? Angelina from Jersey Shore? (Who is by the way the biggest bitch in the show. Thank god she left in Season 2)

"Hateherhateherhateherhateher..." I chanted as I rested my head against the pillow.

"This is your room?" I heard someone at the door with a disgusted tone.

I looked up and saw Amy.

"Um yeah." I said and took a deep breath. I walked up to her and said, "Hey Amy. I wanna say something."

"What?" she snaps, walking in.

I took out my hand and tried to smile, nicely, "I think we got off at a bad start so...why don't we start over? Hi, my name is Sk---" she cuts me off by slapping me really hard across the face. My cheek was stinging as I touched it.

"OW! What the hell?!" I screamed, "I was trying to be nice and want to start over and this is what I get?!".

"You don't know do you?" she says.

"Know what?" I said, my eyes, starting to water.

That really did hurt.

"Are you familiar with Roy? Roy Myers?" she asks.

"ROY?!" I asked, loudly.

"Shush!" she says.

"Ugh...yeah. I know him." I said.

"I heard he cheated on you." she says.

"How do you know that?" I asked.

"First of all, I heard you and Landon talking about it. Second, I was with him." she says.

"With him?....Wait! You were that blondie who was making out with him?" I asked, my eyes, wide open.

"Now you realize?" she says, rolling her eyes at me.

"Wait! Why did you do that to me? So, I yelled at Roy for nothing? You're really confusing me, you used Roy and now, you're going out with my idiotic fiancee?" I asked.

"Yup." she says.

"How could you do that? I loved Roy so much. And you made out with him, making me think that he cheated on me?" I asked.

"God, you ask alot of questions." she mummbles.

"Answer me! Please!" I demanded.

"Fine. Since you probably have a small brain, you probably don't remember this but, I was in your class since 1st grade. You weren't popular but had a great life. Everyone says that. You were nice to everyone and they were nice to you. I was the popular one and I deserved that respect. No one liked me ever since you moved here in 1st grade. They thought I was a whore and a slut." she says.

No surprise there.

"So, I knew I had to do something. Remember that time where you got a new puppy in 6th grade?" she asks.

"Colada?" I asked, remembering my dog that I got in 6th grade.

"Remember he passed away a year later?" she asks.

"Yeah...?" I replied, sadly.

"The truth is, I hired some....guys and told them to kidnap your dog for me." she says, with a smirk.

"You did not!" I said.

"Yup, I did." she says.

She killed my dog?!

"I can't believe it!" I shouted, full with anger. My eyes were watery now. I can't believe she would do that to me! My dog didn't run away, her hired douchebags kidnapped him!

"Oh and that one time where the principal told you to report to the office because you hurt someone's feelings." she says.

"You hired that girl so that she would pretend that she got bullied by me, didn't you?" I asked.

"Wow, you're a good guesser." she says.

"Amy! How could you?!" I said.

"I always hated you, Skye." she says.

"Or maybe, you were just jealous." I said.

"Hey guys. Girl talk?" I heard Landon's voice at the door. We both turned to the entrance and spotted Landon.

"I was just complimenting on Skye's room. It's really cute. Oh and we were just talking about our great times when we were little." she lies and turns to me, "Right, Skye?"

I just glared at her and walked out of my room, angrily.

I can't believe she would do this to me. That jealous, slutty, arrogant, whore!

She was trying to ruin my life!

That's it.

This is war.

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