Arranged marriage to a rich......Jerk?! {9}

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Sunday finally came. A day for me to start packing and get ready for the date with Roy. My dad and Layla doesn't know about this date so I have to be really careful. Sneak out or tell them......hard decision.

When I finished packing all of my stuff in two large suitcases and a duffel bag, I walked downstairs towards the livingroom where my dad and Layla were.

"Hey guys. I'm all packed up." I said.

"Great. So, all set for tomorrow?" asks dad.

"Yup. Um, I need to ask you guys something." I said, sitting down on the couch, across from them.

"What is it, honey?" asks Layla.

"Well, Darcy's cousin is having a formal party at Darcy's house and she invited me over. Since I'm done packing, can I go?" I lied.

"Sure why not? Have some fun, kiddo." said dad.

"I agree. You diserve to have some fun." said Layla.

"Really? Thanks, dad, Layla!" I said, hugging them both.

"So a formal party, huh? What time does it start?" asks dad.

"Darcy's gonna pick me up at 6." I lied, again.

"Okay. Be back by 10, okay?" says dad.

"Okay. I love you!" I said. I smiled happily and ran upstairs. I walked into my room and quickly opened my closet. I took out a sky blue mini dress and white strapped heels and immediately put them on. Lying to my dad and Layla hurts but I had to. If I told them the truth, I know they're going to say no.

After I got changed into the dress and heels, I speed dialed Darcy.

"Hello?" answers Darcy.

"Hey Darcy." I said.

"Oh hi, Skye. What's up?" she said.

"I need to ask you something." I said.

"Sure. What is it?" she asks.

"Remember I told you about the date with Roy? I kinda lied to my dad and Layla and told them that I'm going to your cousin's party at your house. So, can you pick me up at 6 and pretend that we're going to a party?" I said.

"Skye. Ugh, why?" she said.

"I'm sorry. I just couldn't tell them the truth because I know they're going to say no." I said.

" Fine. 6 right?" she said.

"Thank you! I love you!" I said.

"I love you too. I told Roy to meet me at the park. So, can you drop me off there?" I asked.

"Sure. So, see you in 5 mins?" she said.

"Yeah. Thank you!" I said. We both hung up and I jumped up and down around my room. I suddenly tripped and decided not to do that anymore. Jumping in high heels isn't a nice thing to do.

I slowly walked down the stairs and waited at the front door.

"Oh, Skye. You look beautiful." says Layla, giving me a smile.

"Thanks." I said, smiling back.

"You absolutely do look stunning, kiddo. You're a grown woman now, I need to stop calling you 'kiddo'." says my dad. I smiled and hugged him tightly. I let go of him and heard a car horn. I peeked outside of the window and saw Darcy.

"I gotta go." I said. I kissed dad on the cheek and walked out the door.

"Hey, Darc!" I said as I got in the car.

"Hey." she said.

"So, how do I look?" I asked.

"Gorgeous, dah-ling." she said.

"Thanks." I said, giggling. She starts driving and headed over to the park.


We got the park, and Darcy parks in the parking lot. I got out of the car and took a deep breath.

"Thanks for the ride again, Darcy. I owe you." I said.

"You're welcome." she said.

"So, can you pick me up at 10?" I asked.

"Sure thing! Have fun on the date with you-know-who!" she said. She drives away as I walked on the sidewalk.

A couple of minutes past and I saw a blue car with hand waving at me from the driver's seat. The car parks in front of me and the window rolls down revealing Roy, smiling at me.

"Hey, sorry for the wait. Shall we go?" he asks.

"That's okay and sure." I said. I got in the car and sat in the passenger's seat.

"You look amazing." he said, starting the engines.

"Thanks." I said and glanced at Roy who was wearing a tux, "You look great too."

"Thanks." he said and we drove to the resteraunt.

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