Arranged marriage to a rich......Jerk?! {7}

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As soon as I heard someone call my name, I turned my head and looked around the cafeteria. I then spotted Roy who was walking towards me.

"Hey, Roy." I said, shyly as he sat down across from me.

"Hey. Happy Friday." he said to me.

"You too." I said, smiling.

"So, where's your friend?" he asks.

"Landon? I'm not sure and he's not really my friend. I hate him." I said.

"Why? Don't you two get along?" he asks me.

"No no. I swear, he's like one of those little brothers who annoy you constantly. Sometimes, I wanna rip his cold heart out of his chest." I said, taking a bite out of my pizza.

"Hate him that much? Wow." he said, "I have a little sister who's like that."

"You have a sister?" I asked.

"Yeah, she's 11 and her name's Valorie or Val. I always thought that girls who're in middle school are mature but I was wrong. My sister's so immature." he said, "Do you have siblings?"

"No. I'm the only child." I said, "But I do have a cousin."

"Really?" he asks.

"Yeah, she's 2 years older than me. She's 20 and her name's Juliette." I said.

"Your family has cool names. I bet your parents have cool names." he said.

"Thanks. My parents are actually divorced. I live with my dad. He got remarried to another woman and her name's Layla. I'd rather call her that instead of 'mom'." I said.

"I'm sorry about that. What's it like to have a step mom?" he asks.

"It's wierd but she and I are like friends. We treat eachother like friends instead of mother and daughter, you know." I said.

"Cool. I live with my mom and my sister. My dad died in the war so I'm the one who's protecting the family." he said.

"I'm so sorry..." I said, softly.

"My dad and I were close. I miss him." he said.

"I miss my mom. Sometimes, I wonder why I stayed with my dad not my mom. She's probably married to someone else right now." I said.

"We go through tough times." he said.

"Yeah. There's something we have in common. We lost someone we loved. We have to let go of love sometimes." I said.

"Hey, Skye. And...whatever-your-name-is." says Landon, sitting next to me.

"Go away Landon. And f.y.i., his name is Roy." I said.

"Hey, man." he says.

"Hey, 'sup." says Roy as they both do a guy handshake.

"What were you two talking about?" asks Landon.

"Nothing really." I said.

"Yeah right." he replied.

"Hey, you're in the football team?" Roy asks Landon.

"Huh? Oh, yeah." says Landon, glancing at his football jersey, "This is my jersey from last year."

"What position?" asks Roy.

"I'm gonna try out for quarterback, this year." answers Landon.

"Nice." says Roy. They both high five eachother as I looked at Roy. He's so cute...

"Wow, quarterback?" I asked, "What if you don't get it this year?"

"I'm gonna get it. I've been quarterback for 2 years straight. There's no way I won't make it." says Landon.

"I'm gonna try out for center this year." says Roy.

"Center? That's cool. Hey, we gotta hang out sometimes." says Landon.

"Don't poison his brain." I said to Landon.

"F U." he said.

Suddenly, the bell rings for period 6. We all got up and walked to our next class.

"So, Skye. Are you excited for Sunday?" asks Roy.

"OMG, yeah. I'm so excited." I said.

"Haha, really? Me too." he replied, "I'll call you tonight and we'll plan it."

"Okay." I said, smiling. Roy waves goodbye to me and walks into his class. I kept on walking as I smiled greatly.

"I'm so psyched!" I said, happily.

"About the date?" asks Landon.

"Yeah...Roy's so sweet." I said.

"I bet on the date, he's gonna explode when you two are alone together." he said. Gawd, I wanna throw a textbook at him.

"Shut up, asshole." I said, "He's not gonna explode."

We both walked into our class and sat down.

"You never stop following me, don't you?" I said.

"I don't follow you. We just have the same class." he said.

"I wish we didn't." I mummbled.

"I know. Gawd, it hurts saying that." he said. I punched him on the shoulder and took out my binder.

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