Arranged marriage to a rich......Jerk?! {16}

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"Landon! LANDON!!" I shouted, banging on his door. I was all ready for the hang out/date with Roy and all I needed to do is ask Landon to cover for me.

"What?! You're so obnoxious." says Landon, opening the door, revealing him with only boxer shorts on.

"Ew! Put some clothes on!" I said, trying to cover my eyes.

"Nah, I'm good." he said, smirking.

"Ugh. Whatever. Anyway, I need you to cover for me." I said.

"For what?" he asks.

"For the date with Roy. I want you to stall your parents til I get back." I said.

"How the hell am I suppose to do that? Stall my parents for like 3 hours?" he said.

"Just tell them I'm going to Darcy's party." I said.

"Why can't you tell them?" he asks.

"Ugh, fine." I said. I headed downstairs and walked into the kitchen where Landon's parents were.

"Hey, Mr. and Mrs. Rhodes." I said.

"Hello, Skye." says Mrs. Rhodes, giving me a smile.

"Um, my best friend, Darcy is having a girl party. And she invited me over, so is it okay with you two if I go?" I said, giving them my best smiles to convince them.

"I'm not sure, dear..." starts Mrs. Rhodes.

"It's a girl party. No guys, I promise." I said.

"Hmmmm..." she said and looks at Mr. Rhodes who was just staring at his feet, thinking of something. He then looks at Mrs. Rhodes and they both look at me.

"All right. But only for one and a half hour." she said.

"Oh thank you! Thank you so much!" I said, smiling as big as I could. I walked towards the front door and slipped on my blue converse.

"You're putting your shoes on. I'm guessing that they said yes." I heard Landon's voice behind me.

I turned around and said, happily, "Yup. I'm so happy!" I opened the door and then closed it, behind me as I walked out. I then headed to the park.


When I finally got to the park, I saw a familiar car, parked in the entrance of the park. I walked over to it and looked around for Roy.

"Hey Skye!" said Roy, rolling down the car window, "C'mon in."

I smiled and got into the car, sitting on the passenger seat.

"Hey Roy." I said, smiling at him.

When we got to the beach, we got our of the car and walked towards the entrance.

"I love the beach so much! So peaceful, quiet, and romantic too." I said, throwing my hands up in the air.

"Me too. And right now, we can watch the sunset together." he said. I blushed and intertwined my fingers with his.

As we walked on the sand on the beach, I looked up at the sky which was starting to turn pinkish, redish and orange. It was beautiful.

"Hey, wanna sit here?" he asks, stopping me.

"Sure." I said and we both sat down, next to eachother. I rested my head on his shoulder and looked up at him, "Where would you kiss a girl?"

"I'm not sure. I guess somewhere girls like to be. Like maybe here at the beach, watching the sunset." he replied. I blushed even more and picked my head up. We both stared into eachother's eyes and started to lean in.

Roy pressed his lips against mine. I placed my arms around his neck, and his hands held onto my waist. He pulled me closer to him, and asked for entrance. I willingly opened my mouth. He searched around, and I could taste him on my tongue. He tasted so sweet. So, it went on like that. We were just making-out as the sun set.

As the sun shone onto our faces, we pulled apart and smiled at eachother. We both then looked at the sun, which looked like it was sinking under the ocean.

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