Arranged marriage to a rich......Jerk?! {2}

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A week later, it was time for the first day of school. All of my supplies are ready except for my brain. After I got breakfast and it was time to leave, I kissed my dad goodbye and walked outside. Darcy and her boyfriend, Tanner, are going to pick me up and then go to school. As I waited on my driveway, I heard some voices next door. I looked over the hedge that separates my house and my neigbor's and searched where the voices are coming from. I walked over to the hedge and looked over, sneakily. I'm not the kind of person who eavesdrop and follow people but the voices seem familiar. All I know was that it wasn't my neighbor's. I looked around my neighbor's backyard and then, my eyes caught on someone waving at my other neigbors from across the street. And that someone was a person who I really hated. Before that "someone" sees me, I walked back to my driveway and acted like nothing happened.

"Skye. Was that you, looking at me a second ago?" asks someone, over the hedge. I turned my head towards the head and saw Landon, my worst enemy, smirking at me. Oh great.

"No. I don't know what you're talking about. You're probably seeing things." I said, avoiding eye contact with him.

"I'm pretty sure it was you." he said. He then walks around the hedge and into my driveway.

"Go away." I said, irritated.

"So, whatcha waiting for?" he asks, completely ignoring me.

"My friends." I said. I rolled my eyes and continued waiting. Then, I see an Inifini G37 (Wicked awesome car. It's a convertible.) driving towards me. Inside was Tanner driving with Darcy in the passenger seat. Tanner parks in front of me as Darcy greeted me, "Hey Skye. And...Landon?".

"Hey, your friend really did pick you up. I thought they forgot about you and left you behind." says Landon.

"Shut up! Go away, already!" I said, putting my bag in the back seat.

"Feisty little girl, aren't you?" he says, smirking. I got into the car and glared at Landon.

"Can I have a ride to school, too?" he asks Tanner.

"No, now lets go." I said.

"Fine. But just today." says Tanner.

"Tanner!" I said, glaring at him.

"Thanks, bro." says Landon as he literally jumps into the car, without using the door. He sits next to me and puts his arm around my shoulder. I pushed his arms off of me and scooted away from him.

"Off to school!" says Darcy as Tanner starts driving. I sighed deeply and looked out as the wind messes up my hair.


When we got to school, I got out of the car and looked around. Freshman, sophmores, Juniors, and Seniors are walking around, excited for a brand new year.

"Ready?" asks Darcy as Tanner and Landon gets out of the car.

"Yeah." I said, taking a deep breath. Senior year already. I can't believe it.

We all walked into the school and went to our homerooms. Sadly, Darcy isn't in my homeroom since our last names begin with a different letter but Tanner is.

"It's sad that Darcy's not in our homeroom." says Tanner as I sat down in a random seat.

"Yeah. At least we know eachother." I said as he sits next to me. We both started chatting about random stuff until my nightmare comes in my homeroom.

"Hey wierdo. You're in my homeroom?" says Landon, sitting next to me.

"You got to be kidding me." I said as I covered my face with my hands.

"I'm not." he said.

"Dude, leave her alone." says Tanner. I put down my hands and glared at Landon, "You heard Tanner. Leave me alone!".

"Fine. I will. Fatass." he said, walking away.

"What did you just call me?" I asked.

"Nothing, freak." he said.

"Good morning, Seniors! Please sit in a seat. I'm Ms. Clark. Welcome back!" says a lady, walking in the room. I glared at Landon as he sits down at the nearest empty seat. As Ms. Clark starts talking about Senior year and stuff that we're going to do this year, I leaned back in my seat and sighed. I can't believe Landon is in my homeroom. Homeroom that we have every single day. After homeroom ended, everyone continues talking as Ms. Clark goes on her computer.

"Hey Skye. Have you ever knew that if a guy insults a girl, that means the guy has a crush on the girl?" asks Tanner.

"Yeah, what about it?" I said.

" you think Landon has a crush on you?" he said.

"Oh my gawd, hell no! And I don't crush him back." I said.

"I bet you do like me." says Landon, next to me.

"Oh crap! You scared me!" I said.

"Good." he said.

"I don't like you. And never will." I said.

"Yeah right. I bet you wanna ask me out. Go on, don't be shy. Ask me out." he said.

"Okay. Get out." I said, smirking. Tanner laughs and gives me a high 5.

"Slut." mummbles Landon.

"You're an asshole." I said.

"Guys. The bell rang. C'mon, let's go." says Tanner, getting up.

"Wow, I didn't notice." I said.

"Maybe you're deaf." says Landon.

"Shut up, jackass." I said as we walked out of the room and into the hallway.

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