Arranged marriage to a rich......Jerk?! {Epilogue}

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                ~ 7 Years Later ~

    "Landon! Wake up you slob!" I shouted as I shook Landon.
    " more hour." he says.
    "Fine..." I said and casually walked out of his room.
    I stopped halfway and turned around. I sprinted towards his bed and literally, body slammed him, making him fall off the bed.
    "What?! Skye...the hell?!" Landon mutters as he looks at me.
    "Mornin'." I said, smiling innocently.
    "Skye." he says.
    "Yeah?" I replied.
    "I hate you." he says, cracking a smile.
    "I love you too." I said and gave him a peck on the lips.
    He sits up and yawns.
    "C'mon, breakfast time!" I said, happily as I tugged on his arm.
    "Fine, fine." he said, standing up.
    We both walked downstairs and into the kitchen.
    "You know, it's great to finally move out of my house." Landon says, taking a seat at the dining table.
    "Same." I agreed as I grabbed myself a bagel.
    As I took a bite out of the bagel, I caught Landon smiling at me.
    "What?" I asked, my mouth full of bagel.
    "I dunno. I just...I'm glad you're my wife." he said.
    "I'm glad you're my husband." I said, smiling back, "Oh and Landon."
    He raises his eyebrow at me, "Hm?"
    "I gotta a surprise for you." I said.
    "What?" he asks.
    "Nah. I'll tell you later." I said.
    "No, please. Tell me." he says.
    "Nope." I said, putting my finger against my lips.
    "Alright..." he says, smirking.
    Something's going on his mind right now.
    I just know it.
    Should I be scared?
    He gets up and walks towards me. Then, suddenly, he raises his hand and starts tickling me.
    "N-no! Haha, L-Lan-Landon! Hahaha, stop!" I said, filled with uncontrollable laughter.
    "Tell me now." he says as he stopped tickling me.
    "Okay, fine." I said, giving up. I grabbed his hand and lead him to the living room.
    We both sat down on the couch and looked into eachother's eyes. Landon just sat there, impatiently as I smiled.
    "What is it?" he asks me.
    "I love you." I said.
    "Oh...I love you too...Is that it?" he asks.
    "Nope." I replied, "There's more."
    "Well, go on." he says.
    I rested my head on his shoulder as he intertwines his fingers with mine.
    "Ready?" I asked.
    "Yup. I was born ready." he says.
    "Landon, are you ready to become a daddy?" I asked.
    He looks at me, wide eyed as I laughed at his reaction.
    "I'm ready to become a what?" he asks.
    "A father." I said.
    He just sits there, jaw dropped, "Are you serious?! You're pregnant?!"
    "Yup." I said.
    "Wow...this is...this is" he says, awed.
    "Can't wait?" I asked him.
    "Psh, yeah." he says.
    "Do you think we're ready? Ya know, to become a parent?" I asked.
    He leans in and kisses me, "We're ready."


Okay, NOW it's done :)

Sorry the Epilogue's late! I lost my internet four days ago and now it's back. It sucks to lose the internet D:<

Anyway, thanks so much for supporting, voting, commenting this story and for fanning me too!

And guess what, I WILL be making a new arranged marriage story.  :) So keep watch for that


The link to the sequel is in the external link

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