Arranged marriage to a rich......Jerk?! {52}

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A little announcement from the author first! :D

First of all, thank you all for the messages for this story! I'm really glad you like this story so much! Also, thanks for all the new fans for fanning!

Now for the REAL announcement:

Finals are coming and I really don't want to do this but I have to study. I barely studied for midterms (but I still managed to pass :D) and since this is the finals, yeah, I have to work hard. When finals are starting to come and teachers are throwing me study guides and final projects/essays, my uploading time will probably become slower. I'll try and upload once a week and if I don't, I apologize!

This chapter's short and I apologize for that too! I'm busy with marchingband stuff and upcoming finals stuff too. I promise I'll make the next one long! Virtual pinky promise!



I ran over to Landon's bedside and hugged him to death.

Just kidding, I can't kill him.

Especially when he almost died all last night.

A pair of arms wrapped around me as Landon whispers, "Hey."

I let go and asked, "Are you okay? You don't have a concussion or a brain damage, do you?"

"Don't worry, I'm fine." he replies with a chuckle.

I smiled as he intertwined his fingers with mine.

He looked at me, and smiled back. He held my hand, and brought it up to his mouth. He brushed his lips against my fingers, lightly. He pulled me closer, and rested his forehead against mine. He caressed my cheek, as I gazed into his eyes.

"Dude, you're okay!" shouts Zane.

"Hey, bro." replies Landon.

Zane walks over to Landon and gently punches Landon's shoulder, playfully.

"Are you sure you're okay?" I asked again.

"I'm fine." says Landon, smiling and kisses my forehead.

"Did Landon get...nicer?" Zane whispers to me.

I looked at him and replied, "Um...did he?"

"Well, he did kiss your forehead and hug you instead of pushing you away." he says.

"What are you guys whispering about?" asks Landon.

"Nothing." Zane and I both said, quickly.

"Whatever. As long as you guys are here. Especially you, Skye." he says.

I literally jumped when he said that.

"You wanted me here? With you?" I asked.

"Yeah, why not?" he asks.

"I...uh, um." I started, "Well, it's just that you're"

"What do you mean, I'm not 'me'?" he asks.

"You're usually bickering with her and teasing her." says Zane.

"Why would I do that?" asks Landon, "Skye's my girlfriend. I don't do those things to her."

"Girlfriend?!" I screamed. I looked at Zane, nervously who was just staring right back at me.

"Yeah, why are you acting so shocked?" asks Landon.

He leans in and presses his lips against mine. He pulls away seconds later, leaving me still shocked.

"I would never tease you or make fun of you." he says, smiling.

"Skye, we need to talk." says Zane and leads me out of the room, quickly.

We walked out in the hallway and faced eachother.

"Did he just 'kiss' you? And tell you that you're his 'girlfriend'?" he asks me.

"I don't know. It just occured so fast that I spaced out." I said, showing no emotion.

"That accident must've hit him hard." he says.

"Speaking of the accident...did he protect me?" I asked, "I didn't get hurt at all and Landon was just laying there, bleeding at the accident."

"He did..." he says.

"Does he love me?" I asked.

"To be honest, he does. And I'm being totally honest. He keeps on telling me how you're always talking about Spencer and not him." he says.

"I do not talk about Spencer alot." I argued.

"He told me that you do." he says, "Anyway, he loves you. And I guess that accident made him think that you're his girlfriend. Time for Skye and Landon time."

"Shut up, Zane." I snapped.

"And I bet you love him back too." he says.

"I do not!" I said.

"Admit it, Skye." he says with a smirk.

"No!" I said, loudly.

"Haha, you just hate admitting it." he says, walking back into the room.

I do not!

I don't.


Do I?

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